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Posts posted by Digit

  1. --Moved to General Support as this is not a bug---

    271626 A lot of moves and movesets introduced in generation 6, such as Water shuriken, are not implemented yet but will eventually be. Just be patient


    Quoting for visibility of the answers. New things are being implemented all the time! Hang tight.

  2. 271492 I just completed Hoenn storyline and I do not know what to do first. I did not done any side quest yet and i have membership. Should I catch all pokemons, buy dragon club membership or start with Excavation sites?


    1.Is there any list of all side quests and etc?

    2.And is there any recommendation of which order to perform this tasks?


    Side quests don't typically have a set order to do as they're not a part of the main story. Check out the quest walk-through forum as it has a lot of the quests and how to do them contained inside. Ultimately, it's up to you what you do next. End game [in most MMOs also] is about creating goals for yourself, rather than being lead by a story. Hope this helps!

  3. 271250 Hi i was just wondering if it was possible to multiclient, also obviously if this is not allowed i would like it to be known to me. But considering a person is allowed 4 accounts 2 to each email i cant see why it would be again the rules. That said, if there is a way could someone please explain it? :Grin:


    ---moved to General Support---


    Yes, it's possible and allowed to multi-client. If you're on the Windows client, copy the exe and the data folder to a different directory. So you would have two different sets of game files. Launch the separate exes from their respective locations and you'll be set.

  4. 269503 ok so i give my bedew a berry to lower a stat the berry IS used and it lowers the ev but no happiness is gained 15/47 before berry and 15/47 after


    You're looking at the HP [The number after the orange bar]. To check your happiness in game, type /happy 1-6 [where the number is their position in your party] into the chat. This will give you the exact value.


    Hope that helps!

  5. 269063 When i get the eight badges of hoenn, i can use my kanto and johto pokemons ??


    --Moved to General Support--

    269063 When i get the eight badges of hoenn, i can use my kanto and johto pokemons ??


    Yes it is correct, you can use your kanto and johto pokemon at hoenn e4


    Quoting for visibility. I second that, yes, you can use your other region Pokemon after the 8th badge for the E4.

  6. 268252 so i play like 30min and i saw charmander lv 16 male and like 20sec after i saw him it just logout from my account i use ultra ball with full hp but it did work with 4 attck he my dragonnite(lv 93) my dragonnite has half hp! what to do?






    Like Badr said, there's nothing staff can do. There's no way we can exactly recreate what you were attempting to catch. If you randomly disconnected, there's a good chance your Internet dropped. Consult this post in regard to rollbacks. Sorry about the inconvenience.

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