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Posts posted by Digit

  1. 278134

    I think the Google Drive mirros are still not working. At least it isn't for me and my friend. If you have another link, please post it here.



    If you haven't gotten it working, try this mirror: https://mega.nz/#F!KBMHiRIL!gGJbp6nMBe1V9Tvo0-1YpA

    Sorry for the inconvenience. If you still need help, stop by our live chat! https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.atomicedge.org/pro,pro-support

    He downloaded it. Still can't play the game.

    I would stop by the chat, but as i said, it's my friend who has the problem actually, and he is very bad with english (not that mine is good, but..), so it's a little complicated. If you have any other idea, i appreciate. Thank you!


    Please direct your friend to this forum post: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=31177

    It pretty much covers every common crash/game fail that users typically experience. Without any other info I can't really direct you in a specific way. I need a screenshot, what OS they're on, and what's actually happening. Did they get the files extracted?

  2. Hello lokhnar, welcome to PRO!

    We have various ways to support you - you can check our Game Guides or seek out Live Chat support via our IRC Channel. We've also got a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help guide you through.


    You only need a few posts to post links. You can get those easily by responding to introductions!

    In the meantime, you can hit "Full Editor & Preview and hit the attachments tab and upload a file.


    Good luck, and enjoy your game!

  3. 277610 hi, i wish to keep my Username of: Diddla. i do not want to make a new account. can my account or username be deleted or reset so i can use it again? i would also like to use yellow server on that account but i am still unable to


    Unfortunately, we don't delete or reset accounts. Re-registering requires a new username unless an account hasn't be verified, to which it becomes available again after a week. Sorry about the inconvenience.

  4. 277582 I finally got it working. I had to use my mac's built in archiving program. which I didn't know it had. So it seemed the issue was any 3rd party archive programs. I can confirm the game is officially running for me now. This thread can be closed. Thanks to all who lended a hand.


    Excellent! Glad you finally got it working! Locking as solved.

  5. 277479

    alright i'll give it a try. I'll update here

    I have discovered the issue. it was the Unarchiver program that I was using. I downloaded Keka and gave that a try and it extracted just fine. for some reason the Unarchiver sees the data as corrupt.

    Nope scratch that. Even thought it extracted just fine, it says the application can't be opened. Even when the settings are changed to allow from anywhere, it still can't be opened.


    Can you post a screenshot of the error you got?

  6. 277478 Hi my name is odysseas i use the account with name Yehudiah.

    I just saw i was banned, i search for a while why i was banned and i saw thay you are telling i use a bot.

    Yes is did it but not me (odyssseas) a friend of mine was here and did this to me as a prank and now i can log or smth.

    I accept this rule (dont use bots) but i feel kinda unfair cuz i never intended to play with bots, i love pokemon and i never stop playing.

    I especially love your work about this online pokemon game for pc you made and i called many friends + my brother to play here and the play.

    So i really want something i accept my punishment but i dont want this banned be permanently

    Reconsider please my issue and help me to play this game again cuz i really need this game and i really love this game


    Thanks for reading till this poing and sorry for breaking the rulles. Odysseas


    All of the above replies are correct. Discussing a ban outside of Discipline Appeals is prohibited. Please post there: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32


    I'm locking this as solved now.

  7. 277263 I wish this was the case, unfortunately it isn't. i have varied this account and ive changed the password many times now. Still, unable to log into yellow server. Yet i am able to get into blue or red with no problems. I believe that it is bugged, would like to have my account reset so i am able to play on yellow server.


    Unfortunately, sometime this week there was a bug in registration that caused some accounts to not be created for all the servers. This is a big reason why registration goes down usually when a server is rebooted. There's also an ongoing problem right now with activation. Your only option to clear the server if you've tried resetting your password is to create a new account once the activation problems are solved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  8. 277512 Are we allowed to record a series on this or are videos being taken down on it? Like will I get flagged if I upload a series on this? If not I may do a Let's Play of it because I am really enjoying it.


    We're glad you're enjoying the game! You may definitely make a series of videos about the game! There are many on Youtube already!

    Be sure to share it with us under this section! https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=126

  9. 277482


    my computer runs on windows 10 and i have like 6 gigs of ram .I updated windows 10 and the game started becoming really slow and laggy. I am using the windows 64 version of pro .


    Could you try following this guide? https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=14738

    Normally, it's for crashes, but it seems Directx 12 doesn't like PRO so I'm wondering if that's it.



    I tried this before you showed it to me and it did not work at all. : (


    Are your GPU drivers up to date?

  10. 277377 No mac client from any source tried is working. All say "data is corrupted" when downloaded. Even when downloaded anyway, there is no app, just a file that can't be opened or run. Kind of at a loss. =/


    You should be getting a zip file when you download. Are you using the default OSX extractor when opening the zip or do you have some other program opening it? The zip file should just have the app in it to which you can move to your applications folder.

  11. 277357



    That is always on full speed. It is only when i am in batttle .The movement of the pokemon coming into battle is slow,the text and the hp bar even if i do a super effective hit with a high leveled pokemon.


    What are your computer specs and OS of PRO you're using?


    my computer runs on windows 10 and i have like 6 gigs of ram .I updated windows 10 and the game started becoming really slow and laggy. I am using the windows 64 version of pro .


    Could you try following this guide? https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=14738

    Normally, it's for crashes, but it seems Directx 12 doesn't like PRO so I'm wondering if that's it.

  12. 276181

    Sorry for posting it in the wrong place.

    I've taken a look at this topic before i opened mine. It didn't help at all :(

    He's using Windows 7 btw

    I just upload the new mirrow link of 64 and 32 via Google Drive after see your topic, so check it first and see if it work or not

    I think the Google Drive mirros are still not working. At least it isn't for me and my friend. If you have another link, please post it here.



    If you haven't gotten it working, try this mirror: https://mega.nz/#F!KBMHiRIL!gGJbp6nMBe1V9Tvo0-1YpA

    Sorry for the inconvenience. If you still need help, stop by our live chat! https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.atomicedge.org/pro,pro-support

  13. 277217
    275858 i started playing again. Is there a reson why it is so slow in battle? . i had this problem before the new client.


    Go to options > game and increase the dialogue speed to maximum (to the right).



    That is always on full speed. It is only when i am in batttle .The movement of the pokemon coming into battle is slow,the text and the hp bar even if i do a super effective hit with a high leveled pokemon.


    What are your computer specs and OS of PRO you're using?

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