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  1. I completely agree on this one most of the players that have some hours in this game experience this(including me)and it will be very good to be able to junk them and get something in return even if its 5pokedollars...
  2. Farewell bro ! :(
  3. Wow this would really help all the guilds
  4. Legendaries are fine theyre preetty easy to deal with....about the rng part I agree completely its preety bad.
  5. Re: Softboiled and Unaware ability combined - Allow or Ban from ranked PvP or not? <t>Yap ban it ...</t>
  6. +1 agreed
  7. "Pokemon here are very well disagned and creative" "oops I forgot that chandelure exists sorry"
  8. Goodbye fren ..hope I see u again
  9. Welcome fren :]
  10. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>Thanks for the giveaway...dont know what to wri t</t>
  11. Mr refrigerator :Crazy:
  12. Noo,dont leave yellow...we are the less populated ik but still...yellow has pros too....thing about it
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