You are using Azumarill so you should bring a good counter for tentacruel, tangrowth, ferrothorn,... So I suggest that you should choose magnezone (really good counter for ferro and tenta) or togekiss flamethrower, ... Moreover, using more than 2 tanks is very important in PVP, your poke can be trapped easily (Dugtrio for bliss, magnezone for ferrothorn), so you can use 1 more tank both atk and spatk like : Goodra, Lanturn, Tentacruel, ...). Your team need a spinner as well to avoid rock, spike, sticky web. You can use tentacruel, donphan, excadrill,... (rapid) or mandibuzz, togekiss (defog) or xatu (magic bounce), 1 more spatker or mix one you will get a great team.