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Everything posted by Prodex

  1. that's quiet funny xD i have no idea about how to help you, maybe Staff Member can recover it.
  2. nice but i can't online atm, can you contact me on discord : @CallmeDuy9603
  3. swablu is tier 9 poke (only tier 7 on event map) so i think 15m is a fair price for him.
  4. geodude - toxic (good luck if you get flinched by iron head) or safer way : Snorunt inner focus with focus sash => toxic and 1 - 5 geodude sturdy, good luck !
  5. good bye :< can be locked.
  6. Welcome to PRO @bocheats ^^ I hope that you will enjoy this game
  7. When you are battling with NPC or another trainer you will see it over your head.
  8. oh that's not a problem, just an early recoil after using Flare Blizt, after that, Leftovers did his job. Check more about it Here.
  9. Maybe you have won the match and your pokemon's hp was restored right? If you poke is holding leftovers it should happen.
  10. start 300k if you like ^^
  11. Prodex


    I'm not a good PvP player so i can't give you a really good team. Moreover, you don't know my style and you don't know how to use a perfect team, that's why you have to do it by yourself and you will become better.
  12. Maybe you will like my shiny garde ? or xmas poke :P
  13. yeah you can meet a starter by headbutting at pallet town.
  14. +1 here. Give us one more chance to re-catch our dog
  15. Charmander is tier 9 pokemon, just because your luck wasnt good. Good luck hunting a good one !
  16. You can use this to make an appeal : Discipline Appeals
  17. Prodex


    You are using Azumarill so you should bring a good counter for tentacruel, tangrowth, ferrothorn,... So I suggest that you should choose magnezone (really good counter for ferro and tenta) or togekiss flamethrower, ... Moreover, using more than 2 tanks is very important in PVP, your poke can be trapped easily (Dugtrio for bliss, magnezone for ferrothorn), so you can use 1 more tank both atk and spatk like : Goodra, Lanturn, Tentacruel, ...). Your team need a spinner as well to avoid rock, spike, sticky web. You can use tentacruel, donphan, excadrill,... (rapid) or mandibuzz, togekiss (defog) or xatu (magic bounce), 1 more spatker or mix one you will get a great team.
  18. Are you sure ? You can ask a Staff or Mod to help you check your trade history or try to remember, maybe you bought something with that money.
  19. :P can i take the last gift? and nice shop :y:
  20. Respect the trade rules or you can get punishment raden. This topic doesnt need unnecessary comment.
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