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Everything posted by Yigit86

  1. Yigit86

    Eternity guild

    ° what can you contribute to Eternity? İm very helpful and friendly as a player, and im mostly collector in game. i was retired but back now and i want to keep doing collecting pvps etc. ° what is your real life and ingame name? my name is Yiğit and ign is yigit86 ° how old are you and where are you from? im from Turkey, ° discord tag? how often are you online there? mack#6400 im online for 4-5hours in a day depends on being busy in real life ° screenshot of your trainercard
  2. Q: What is your IGN? yigit86 Q: What is your discord name? Mack#6400 Q: What is your timezone? gmt +3 Q: Who is your favourite Pokemon? Arcanine and Jolteon Q: Why do you want to join King of Games? No reaseon just interested Q: **please post a screenshot of your trainer card**
  3. hi.. ill buy it with insta.. when you are able can you contact with me in game or dc Dc; Mack#6400
  4. Hi all, İm looking for guild which is active and friendly. here is my trainer card; My İGN : Yigit86 My discord tag: Mack#6400
  5. start
  6. NAME CHANGE Username: MackTheSnakee New Username: Yigit86 Server to charge the money from: Silver
  7. Welcome To Centuries Centuries is a new guild that is looking for a new player who want to be a part of pro and who want to be of us.We welcome all player to my new family Family Advantage Have Fun Together < > Road to be best together < > Want to build relationship more than just in game (family) Centuries Pillars Be Positive: Always has a positive attitude, follow all of PRO rules & ToS, respect your guild mates, be honest, loyal and all other positivity. Be the Best: Want to be active and keep trying to be better. Guild Staff Dofalmingo (Leader) Araragikun (Officer) Buggybite (Officer) Yugibac (Officer) Mackthesnakee (Officer) Guild Requirement and Rules 1. Be positive and strive to be the best 2. You Need To Use Discord 3. Loyal to the guild, helpful to the members 4. Have a good sense of humor 5. Follow PRO ToS and Guild Rules 6. Everyone here must and just only has one guild in red server. 7. Joining age 16+ 8. Please don't beg for Pokemon / Money / Items 9. +50 hrs play time 10. Have Fun Application Form 1. Tell us about yourself! 2. What is your nickname in PRO? 3. How many hours of game play do you have (check your trainer card)? 4. How old are you? Where do you come from? 5. What is your ambition/ final objective in PRO? 6. Have you been in the guild before or maybe you in the guild right now? and tell us the reason that you left. 7. What is your favorite Pokemon? 8. Are you able to visit our Discord Group? 9. Are you able to follow PRO Rules and Guild Rules?
  8. hi i made mistake and release this poke.. can you help me? server red
  9. Good luck bro :)
  10. bumpp againn..
  11. bumppppp
  12. One of the Azumarill sold.. + jolteon sold..
  13. thx bro hope so:)
  14. another bump
  15. up again
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