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Everything posted by Mosilein

  1. hey, i want to buy your porygon z :)
  2. feel free to pm me ingame
  3. Re: Softboiled and Unaware ability combined - Allow or Ban from ranked PvP or not? <t>B A N</t>
  4. Bump :Angel:
  5. great idea, but i think that it should be free for everyone
  6. the tutorial worked fine, but my sync didnt :)
  7. remember it has x4 grass weakness Yeah exactly. And remember that many pokes could be more safe to battle npcs and Heatran like Snorlax , Garchomp etc. remember to take a second move with you, otherwise you cant attack spriritomb
  8. great idea, the right people get rewarded and its still not p2w
  9. maybe you seen them, probably one of the dogs from boss fight, try to look for them in their place There aren't at their place anymore
  10. At least 751h It's still not working
  11. I'm Sinnoh Champion but when i click on the TV this occurs..
  12. Welcome to my Sinnoh Elite 4 guide ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. AARON BUG TYPE Galvantula, Accelgor, Mega Heracross, Scizor, Yanmega, Volcarona ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  2. BERTHA GROUND TYPE   Hippowdon, Excadrill, Tyranitar, Garchomp, Rhyperior, Krookodile ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. FLINT FIRE TYPE Infernape, Magmortar, Ninetales, Arcanine, Mega Camerupt, Darmantian (Bold Tenta sweeps everything) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. LUCIAN PSYCHIC TYPE Alakazam, Mr. Mime, Bronzong, Gardevoir, Slowbro, Mega Gallade 5. THE CHAMP CYNTHIA MIXED Togekiss, Milotic, Spiritomb, Lucario, Roserade, Mega Garchomp (Earthquake) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recommended Pokés : Seaking (Lightning Rod), Eelektross, Tentacruel (bold), Togekiss (bold), Weavile Special thanks to Divent for providing the information
  13. Now, just try to follow this video :
  14. Hello, Scientist Rey won't let me continue the Celebi quest, he says that he is relying on me and that he really needs those beast datas to complete his research, although I have got the seen data of the legendary beasts I have seen and caught every Kanto and Johto Pokémon., I've got 121 evo data, 721 hours of playtime and the G.S Ball https://imgur.com/a/k6xb8 (Johto Dex) Thanks in advance
  15. I can't continue the Celebi quest <r>Hello,<br/> Scientist Rey won't let me continue the Celebi quest, he says that he is relying on me and that he really needs those beast datas to complete his research, although I have got the seen data of the legendary beasts<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/gKKOgPu.png"><s></e></IMG> <br/> I have seen and caught every Kanto and Johto Pokémon., I've got 121 evo data, 721 hours of playtime and the G.S Ball<br/> <URL url="https://imgur.com/a/k6xb8">https://imgur.com/a/k6xb8</URL> (Johto Dex)<br/> Thanks in advance</r>
  16. https://imgur.com/a/k6xb8
  17. Hello, Scientist Rey won't let me continue the Celebi quest, he says that he is relying on me and that he really needs those beast datas to complete his research, although I have got the seen data of the legendary beasts I have seen and caught every Kanto and Johto Pokémon., I've got 121 evo data, 721 hours of playtime and the G.S Ball https://imgur.com/a/k6xb8 (Johto Dex) Thanks in advance
  18. I cant get a bigger one, when i pick 1360x768 (the last option i can pick) the width is lower. On your screen u can pick every resolution 2 times and I can pick every resolution 5 times, thats why it works for you
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