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Everything posted by Shisirbasnet

  1. Re: Wts epic chansey <t>Sold 800k to hellix</t>
  2. Its under a long maintenance for improvementof server
  3. :Smile: i wts bms 250k each
  4. Prodex pm me in game for xmasralts
  5. Under maintenance server is always locked
  6. Good ideas
  7. Gl with guild bro
  8. Plz mention tge rules prodex ^^ no offense
  9. Re: Wts epic chansey <r><QUOTE author="musca" post_id="486114" time="1514282045" user_id="1771245"><s> </e></QUOTE> <E>:Nervous:</E> okey</r>
  10. Its kinda impossible :v create new id instead
  11. Welcone to pro :Angel:
  12. [glow=blue]s.o 500k no insta for now (willupdtae soon) Accept ms = 450k Bms= 200k[/glow] :Angel: [glow=red]note :auction can be closed if price not reached desireable [/glow]
  13. Be back soon :Proud: and best of luck for exams :kiss:
  14. U shuld check storage clear it its full ^^
  15. Can is start with 800k?
  16. Do relog or reinstall game if same ocvours in future have a good day :Angel:
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