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Everything posted by Shisirbasnet

  1. Re: mysteries art shop <t>ty mysterious ^^<3</t>
  2. yup if permanent ignoring setupped it would be good
  3. Re: mysteries art shop <t>ahh i like that jiggly pls contact in game yellow server for payment ^^</t>
  4. Re: Selling Bisharp,Venusaur,Garchomp,HP ice jolteon,Scizor <t>derching pls contact in game when on at last offer of garchomp ^^</t>
  5. Re: mysteries art shop <t>i need a logo written as the leader of theinvincibles guild poke jigglypuff and colour of jiggly as usual ^^</t>
  6. Re: Selling Bisharp,Venusaur,Garchomp,HP ice jolteon,Scizor <t>1m for garchomp</t>
  7. Re: mysteries art shop <t>k tell when free ^^</t>
  8. Re: Fippsie's (yellow) little sig shop :3 >REOPENED< <t>as abt jigglypuff i would like to have the guild signature of it ^^ of average size and pixel</t>
  9. Re: Fippsie's (yellow) little sig shop :3 >REOPENED< <t>i would want my signature too as written "the invincibles" leader i would prefer any good looking anime ^^ hope u do it ^^</t>
  10. Re: mysteries art shop <t>is this art available for yellow server ?</t>
  11. Re: Wts Feebas Bold Swift Swim 2x <t>500k from me</t>
  12. Re: Selling Bisharp,Venusaur,Garchomp,HP ice jolteon,Scizor <t>i start garchomp at 700k derching :)</t>
  13. can i get gokus supersaiyan god form anime signature written with name shishirbasnet (yellowserver)
  14. Shisirbasnet


    Re: - Signature Shop - *UPDATED* <t>can yellow server have it ?</t>
  15. Re: Fippsie's (yellow) little sig shop :3 >REOPENED< <t>i would like to have one aniMated logo too written shisir with jigglypuff !</t>
  16. pm in game or rply in this post if got impish prankster sabeley ^^
  17. ya :( u r right
  18. i pay up to 2 to 2.5 million for godly
  19. wtb epic one plzz i pay well
  20. my game is running really slow what shall i do which graphic driver should i use and which directx plz link the address for driver and direct x
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