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Everything posted by Shisirbasnet

  1. Re: Ccr~basket's personal shop pokes bid /insta it ^_^ <t>iapnes noted pm me ingame ^_^</t>
  2. Bump ~~ :3
  3. ign:shisirbasnet fake offers~~~~>report [glow=red]Note: i can cancel deal if iwant </GLOW><i>[/glow]</i> [glow=silver] Accept cc = 400k ENJOY BIDDING ^_^ [/glow] :Angel: :Smile: <GLOW glow="red">[glow=red]pokemos[/glow] 1)[glow=silver]sandslash h.a 500k[/glow] 2)[glow=silver]tank togekiss sold[/glow] 3)[glow=silver] lucario 1m[/glow] 4)[glow=silver]aegislash 1.5m[/glow] 5)[glow=silver]lapras 800k[/glow] 7)[glow=silver]bisharp 600k defiant[/glow] 8)[glow=silver] drapion 500k [/glow] 11)[glow=silver]bisharp 1m[/glow] 12)[glow=silver] ninjask 800k [/glow] 13)[glow=silver] houndoom 2m hp ice[/glow] 14)[glow=silver]impish gyara ev trained 150k[/glow] 15)[glow=silver] bouffulant tanky 700k [/glow] 16)[glow=silver] hp ice ha espeon 1.5m[/glow] 17)[glow=silver]meganium 300k[/glow] [glow=red]shiny poke[/glow]
  4. Re: Wts many pokes pvp ready have a look <3 <t>How to lock</t>
  5. I thnk u shld get a spdef wall like blissey
  6. Re: Selling Epic Drago,Scizor,Gliscor,Metagross <t>Mistaken post bump again m sry</t>
  7. Re: Selling Epic Drago,Scizor,Gliscor,Metagross <t>Oops bump</t>
  8. Guess unnecessary xD no offence ~~ccr
  9. Is auction over for toge?
  10. https://i.imgur.com/fXbxfgb.png https://i.imgur.com/trNlWrD.png https://i.imgur.com/vBFIOHq.png https://i.imgur.com/oqJUwnU.png Name: shisirbasnet Dialogue : everybody calls me basket and basket is going to keep u in his casket Location : if possible in the adventure and way to the pokecentre blocking the way (like psychic man who blocked the way to vermilion pc) Battle : if possible it would be great Pokemons : hippowdown excadrill noiverns slowbro blissey volcarona Phase of game : if possible at middle or last phase of game
  11. Re: Free Sig Shop <r>Something like this can u ? <URL url="https://i.imgur.com/BltTKcQ.png">https://i.imgur.com/BltTKcQ.png</URL></r>
  12. Re: Free Sig Shop <t>I can give u like a hint of my previous signature</t>
  13. Re: Free Sig Shop <t>Leader of crimson legacy cant be big?</t>
  14. Re: Free Sig Shop <t>Hi i wanted a signature with my name shisirbasnet written in best entei logo and the leader of crimson legacy written in down of it in burning flame</t>
  15. Welcome to pro xD
  16. Btw which server are u in
  17. Welcome back to pro
  18. XD pls close this topic its traded
  19. Bo 2m insta 5m [glow=red]auction can be close if price is undesireable [/glow] https://i.imgur.com/9qxNT4I.png
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