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Everything posted by Mikami

  1. I had said that I would not play more in competitive / tournament anymore this prize interests me haha! Player name: Mikami Server: Yellow Rank: 3 (Rating: 521)
  2. [mention]shesho26[/mention] Thanks for comment and i send a hug for you in my next video ^-^
  3. Hey [mention]KaiserRagna[/mention] Did you like the video? I hope that you enjoyed ^-^
  4. [mention]JeffCoxinha[/mention] You are awesome, thank you haha <3
  5. Hello PRO Community, I am here through this post to draw some doubts about the rumor of a possible union of server red and yellow. At first, I did not even know this could happen. I stayed knowing today through some players who were commenting on this in the chat "Brazil" (Yellow Server). 1. I do not think it's a bad idea, because I see that the yellow server is far below the other 2 servers compared to the number of players. But can we transfer our Pokémon (including legendary and shiny), items, money, legendary that we got on the Yellow Server? Obs: Many players were threatening to stop playing because they said that the legendaries Pokémon can not be transferred and the hours will reset. If this is true, I will also be against the union of the servers union because part of our effort would be thrown away. 2. Why instead of joining the yellow and red servers, do not unite the 3 servers (Red, Blue and Yellow) at once? It would be just a server and with many players. I support server union provided that no player is harmed, because it is not fair for a player to lose what he has struggled to conquer. The Yellow Server is really dying, but deleting the things won by server players will only result in players loss (yellow server players who worked hard to have what they conquered within the game). Thank You!
  6. [mention]Kaerveck[/mention] Thank You <3 [mention]ProDex[/mention] Thanks! I give a hug for you in video credits ^-^
  7. [mention]SrJean[/mention] Thank You! I'm very happy for you comment ^-^
  8. [mention]ztlick[/mention] Thank You for help me with this video and this comment ^-^
  9. Hello PRO community! I bring to you a PvP video (Special Halloween Part II) with my guild friend JeffCoxinha. Obs: I know that Halloween was yesterday, but I managed to publish this video today, because I took me a long time to edit this video x.x 1. Why another Halloween video in this year? <i></i> Halloween is my favorite commemorative date and PRO made an incredible map that I just loved! And it seems that I will continue to record more videos, because some players liked it very much and that motivated me to continue. 2. General comments / Credits <i></i> I'm not very good at video editing, but I did everything for the public to like. I hope you like it =) Preferably watch in HD, full screen. Watch until the end to participate in the draw haha =] Prize Draw: 1 Halloween Box (Yellow Server): More information in the video. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y85t9lQhdy0&feature=youtu.be Happy Halloween, Thank You!
  10. I'm in 3rd in Yellow Server Ladder, but receive 475 PvP coins. This 490 PvP coins is extra? Thanks!
  11. Mikami

    Ban Crawdaunt

    [mention]TR3Y[/mention] If you play with wall team, Crawdaunt will even destroy you, it was made to break wall players.
  12. Mikami

    Ban Crawdaunt

    Why Crawdaunt? Blaziken is UBER and not banned from Ranked PvP and you want to ban Crawdaunt? o-o Crawdaunt (h.a) with Life Orb is very OP, but is very fragile. Is not OU (OverUsed) / BL (BorderLine), this Pokémon is UU (UnderUsed) class. Base Stats: HP: 63 DEF: 85 SPDEF: 55 SPE: 55 Crawdaunt can be very annoying, but if it is in the game, it is to be used. Allowed by rules, crying will not work. Relax, there are more stolen Pokémon. Obs: And for those who live crying for stall team, use Crawdaunt that solves your problem =] Obs 2: I've never needed to cry about PvP, rules are rules and I should not complain.
  13. [mention]ProDex[/mention] Sure! I going to send a friend request for you in discord, and thanks for all ^-^
  14. Re: [Yellow Server] Mikami vs Wellymityc15 - Special Halloween - Good Bye PRO <r><MENTION><s>[mention]</s>ProDex<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> I've never used rain team haha! But I'm still happy about your comment!<br/> <br/> I will not stop playing, because I talk with the PRO GM and he have encouraged to I keep in the game, but I will not keep my focus on competitive. I no longer intend to play tournaments.<br/> <br/> But ProDex... I know your style of play and I really like you as a PvP player. I still want to record a video with you <3<br/> <br/> Thank You!</r>
  15. Re: [Yellow Server] Mikami vs Wellymityc15 - Special Halloween - Good Bye PRO <r><MENTION><s>[mention]</s>Juking<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> Thanks for everything my friend, You was one of the best friends I had in the game.<br/> But if I go back, it will be on another server.<br/> <br/> Thanks ^-^</r>
  16. Re: [Yellow Server] Mikami vs Wellymityc15 - Special Halloween - Good Bye PRO <r><MENTION><s>[mention]</s>onkar<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> Oh, thank you for all! Yes, but I'm very happy for you comment! Thanks ^-^</r>
  17. Hello PRO community! I bring to you a PvP video (Special Halloween) with my guild friend Wellymityc15. 1. What is the reason for the video? <i></i> I will be stopping playing PRO, but I will not have much time to maintain a good performance in the competitive (Ranked PvP) and problems with the Ranked PvP (bad luck). I no have problems with game ADM, quite the contrary, I like the work they do with the game, but the reason I'm stopping is a lot of stress with the competitive, because Pokémon (PvP) is certainly a game where lucky helps a lot (Critical, frozen, burn, attack miss, etc). But if a good number of players to likes this video, I believe to I will record more videos in free time. 2. General comments / Credits <i></i> In the video credits is the reason why I'm stopping playing (In detail). I'm not very good at video editing, but I did everything for the public to like. I hope you like it =) Preferably watch in HD, full screen. At the end of the video has an extra draw. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUNHymD2jz8&feature=youtu.be Thank You PRO Community! My last Screenshot in PRO <3
  18. [mention]hahahaka[/mention] Oh ... So it was banned because of bugs. I did not know, sorry... Sorry x.x
  19. @Kaminokage As for Dugtrio, yes, I totally agree. Blaziken have a counter, but is still Uber tier.
  20. I would not ask this, but the Unaware ability was banned... I do not use any Pokémon with this ability on my official team, but I would like to use it soon. Unaware is allowed in Smogon/VGC OU6GEN/7GEN rules, and as PRO's PvP is based on the 6gen, it did not have to be banned. But okay, I should just accept that. So I must propose something new to be banned in Ranked PvP, and I will be quoting the reason for ban. . Blaziken (Speed Boost): For those who do not know, Blaziken with "Speed Boost" is above the OverUsed [OU6GEN/7GEN] category. It is included in the [uber] category. And as the ability came into play, the Pokémon should be banned from the ranked pvp. Smogon 6GEN Uber tier list: https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/formats/uber/ Smogon 7GEN Uber tier list: https://www.smogon.com/dex/sm/formats/uber/ . Arena Trap is an ability that is currently banned in OU metagame, but this ability was only banned at 7GEN. At 6GEN, this ability was only in suspect test. I do not know if it should be banned in PvP, this is the STAFF decision. Smogon OU7GEN Rules + Banned Abilities: https://www.smogon.com/dex/sm/formats/ou/ Thank You!
  21. [mention]burnbabyburn[/mention] Wow, calm down o-o
  22. [mention]NewAnticristo[/mention] Thank You bro ^-^ [mention]RohitDalvi[/mention] Thank You! I'm glad that I have liked it, this motivates me to continue to record more videos! In the next video, I'll send you a hug.
  23. [mention]TheAkalli[/mention] Thank You! And good luck in the Ladder Tournament (Red Server) ^-^
  24. [mention]owlman244[/mention] Sure! Thanks, Good luck with the draw =] [mention]Water01[/mention] Sorry, I did not understand, my English is not good...
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