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Everything posted by Phizika

  1. Re: Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough! <t>ty for that guide! do we get new items since last year from the quest?</t>
  2. wanna buy that last nido, pm me when online.
  3. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 29/11/17 - Pewdie and Diepy Added! - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄ <t>can you leave after beating one of the bosses and then come back or its like love island?</t>
  4. Re: [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>Yellow server <br/> Ign: Phizika<br/> Showdown name: Phizika95<br/> <br/> gl everyone!</t>
  5. Re: WTS epic cloyster <t>start :)</t>
  6. Hey sir, I'd like to know if you got any klefki for sale?
  7. Phizika

    About darkrai

    I don't see why not to use it, i'd like to see it in pvp.
  8. +1 this is a most.
  9. are you ingame now?
  10. cool finally shed shell, tyvm!!
  11. That's not a bug,it's just like in SHowdown,you can sac one of your mon to hazards to enter another one in if that's not a bug then ok, always thought it was a bug.
  12. Bisharp02 250k if that's ok.
  13. the problem is people abuse this, then we lose our turn cause he changes poke that die then enter another one and I lose my turn, I think this should be fixed.
  14. start roserade
  15. Phizika

    Ban Amoonguss

    Might as well ban Ferrothorn, Gourgeist, and Venusaur then if that's your reason for Tangrowth deserving a ban. kek you forgot jumpluff and Sunflora noob also slowbro.
  16. Re: Big update. Epic pokemon and PvP shiny only. <t>if you accept I'd like to start dragonite 2m.</t>
  17. Phizika

    Team Preview

    +1. that would be good.
  18. I think if win 2, if lose 1, that way Is the best.
  19. bump.
  20. tyvm sir.
  21. Re: Wts epic blaziken max atk <t>i'll bid 770k.</t>
  22. ^ This. For your info, you can also get free Reroll Tickets from PvE (quests, bosses, etc), which will be as hard as PvP one. where can I find info about getting that from pve?
  23. U can reroll Your Ivs + Reroll Nature at Vermillion, for 150 PvP coins ea roll. I want to re-catch not to re-roll, no point to re-roll nature for 150pvp coins which will take me years to get.
  24. bump.
  25. idk if that's a bug but today Phione spawned again after I already caught it before.
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