Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 19/03/2017]
<r><QUOTE author="chameleon"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/>
which pokes would you say for stealth rock/spikes?<e> </e></QUOTE><br/>
My friend set 3 spikes up with Focus Sash Greninja, though with the help of Thunder missing twice.<br/>
If you don't want to use a Focus Sash, you can use Sturdy Carracosta or Relicanth to set up rocks. Almost guaranteed unless Palkia lands the Thunder, paralyzes you and you're unable to move. You could use a Lum Berry actually which would guarantee you to set them up. <br/>
Alternatively you could use something specially bulky and isn't weak to Fighting/Electric/Dragon/Water since that's what Palkia uses.<e> </e></QUOTE><br/>
used tyra to set stealth rock, switched to seaking (hail,agility,blizzard,water thing that gives me hp forgot name move name) it survived till lucario and breelom finished him with one punch.</r>