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Everything posted by Phizika

  1. Re: Wts PVP ready epic blaziken <t>770k.</t>
  2. Re: Wts PVP ready epic blaziken <t>610k.</t>
  3. Re: Wts PVP ready epic blaziken <t>550k mate.</t>
  4. Info: I ordered it by regions, for example I might have elekid from both Kanto and Hoenn region, you can buy what ever you want. Kanto Johto Hoenn Sinnoh
  5. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 17/10/17 - Shary and Shaui added - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄ <t>boss bugsy<br/> genesect - iron head/ extreme speed</t>
  6. Bump.
  7. tyvm cool guide! btw you can also use /who to see who is online
  8. I buy n3 for 200k if its ok
  9. Up I really want to see if this thing could happen.
  10. I have 6fails legends, I know your feeling.
  11. Hello, So yesterday I sync failed my heatran which makes it 6/6 sync fail legends I have (mew/celebi/jirachi/suic/azelf/heatran). I got really frustrated I've been invested time, money doing quests to get those legends and I cant even use them for story bosses. I'm asking from you to make one a week or two chance to re-catch one legend we already had. Like when you battle nikola and can have another chance if you fail to catch, make another boss npc so we can re-catch and try to sync again. Furthermore the iv reroll I hate that, need 150pvp coins just for one chance for people like me to get 150 is to do like 400 pvp battles. All I'm asking and I'm sure a lot more people want that too is a chance to re-catch. ty.
  12. in, just for kanto ones didn't go beyond in red xD
  13. you cannot stack ms to get exp boost.
  14. I buy dugtrio are you ingame?
  15. that's awesome but i'd prefer if you could remake excavation sites and dig spots, make more or improve them.
  16. That's even better. That way no need to bring sync into battle.
  17. Hey, I was wodering if it is possible to make the third time reward (when choosing poke) a battle so we can sync it. we lose a spot in our party to try sync, I think its a good idea.
  18. Hey, wanted to try to get my heatran but inside I battled and my shuckle level and passed the 60. now I don't want anymore to get heatran or even try, I just want my candies back, how do I get them? ty. solved, can lock.
  19. if you revive fossils in the exca site you can even sync it because its like a wild battle. But need 6k exca points in order to use it.
  20. Re: WTS Excadrill <t>800k.</t>
  21. Sorry mate the trade is finished u see its given time ended you extended to 36h, my comment was like 9minutes before 36h was over you never commented nor no one offered, what do you have to say?
  22. Hey, I'm not here to ask for refund or something I'm here to tell you that I bought it bymistake and why the hell its not asking if I'm sure that I want to buy that? secondly I cant access the ev train spot cause its not letting me talk to npc, what to do? please add "are you sure you want to buy?" 50k its a lot!
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