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Everything posted by Vntvelskulz

  1. Re: WTB Epic Lucario <r>up & add: wtb eevee ha (timid) or espeon magic bounce :) <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  2. Re: wts 31 ivs max attack adamant defiant bisharp pvp ready <t>1m5 bro :D</t>
  3. 700k bro :Angel:
  4. Re: WTS : sneasel jolly 31 spd <r>500k <E>:Angel:</E> <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  5. Re: wts 31 ivs max attack adamant defiant bisharp pvp ready <t>1m2 for that :D</t>
  6. Re: wts H.a. Garchomp, H.a. Crawdaunt, Milotic <t>omg :'( why u change ur insta like that :'(</t>
  7. Re: wts H.a. Garchomp, H.a. Crawdaunt, Milotic <r>2m for garchomp mate <E>:devil:</E></r>
  8. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Price Updated 1/8) <r><QUOTE author="LazyPanda69"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Boyka"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="mangkitw"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'll be able to trade anything within 5 hours from now, pm me in game or on forum.<e> </e></QUOTE> r u onl now?</r>
  9. Re: JustLegend's shop №4 (LVL 100s with full EVs and more!)(UPDATE Dec 22th) <r><QUOTE author="JustLegend"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'm onl now bro <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  10. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Price Updated 1/8) <r><QUOTE author="LazyPanda69"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Vntvelskulz"><s> </e></QUOTE> pm me in game when you are online<e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> I'm onl now bro :)</r>
  11. As the title, I wtb an epic jolly Lucario (iner focus or ha). Inbox me if u have :) Price: Depend on how's ur Lucario and negotiation :Angel: Thanks for reading :D
  12. Re: wts H.a. Garchomp, H.a. Crawdaunt, Milotic <t>I will start @ Garchomp (1m5) and Crawdaunt (1m)</t>
  13. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>bump :P</t>
  14. Re: Wts Slowpoke h.a / Sneasel <t>300k sneasel :)</t>
  15. Re: JustLegend's shop №4 (LVL 100s with full EVs and more!)(UPDATE Dec 22th) <t>wanna buy your Sableye (1m3), Mamowise (550k)</t>
  16. 500k bro ^^
  17. Re: Ant's shop updated <t>wanna buy ur Weavile (1m3), Azumarill (500k), and 200 coins :D</t>
  18. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Price Updated 1/8) <t>wanna buy your Roserade (900k), Medicham (1m5), Vaporeon (500k)</t>
  19. Re: wts epic h.a. bold sylveon, clefable magic guard bold ev trained <t>1m2 clef</t>
  20. Re: wts epic h.a. bold sylveon, clefable magic guard bold ev trained <r>1m clefable <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  21. Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 7/1 <r><QUOTE author="pentagon1802"><s> </e></QUOTE> okay bro :)<e> </e></QUOTE> Just to notify that iTzTedric has insta-ed the Espeon. Thank you <E>:kiss:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> sad <E>:Frown:</E></r>
  22. Re: Big Grumpy Insta Shop (20 new trained pokes added)--Updated 7/1 <r><QUOTE author="pentagon1802"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="iTzTedric"><s> </e></QUOTE> Since both of you have similar interest on Espeon, it seems fair for me to start a 12 hours auction on it.<br/> Starting price : 1m<br/> Insta price : 1.5m<br/> TIme out : 12 hours from now. Ends in 0100am(GMT+8)<br/> <br/> Whoever goes for the best bid win it. Good luck <E>:Cool:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> okay bro :)</r>
  23. 1m7 ferro 2 :)
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