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Everything posted by Vntvelskulz

  1. The point is why you dont have any physical moves or taunt user in ur team? :kiss:
  2. Currently, I'm playing this combo and let me show u guys know how to break ur sickness . What u need??? just Starmie and Azumarill (Lum Berry + Belly Drum) - 1st step: Switch in Starmie ofcoz... lol - 2nd step: Starmie: use Psyshock on anything - 3rd step: Omg....Blissey!!!! Arghhhh....... It's ur turn Azumarill. I choose u - 4th step: Azumarill: Pls help me click ur finger on Belly Drum and enjoy the rest of ur game Or we can make it more simply: Use Togekiss and pray for the Flinch :))) That's all..... lol P/s: Instead of wasting ur time when creating a thread: "Plssss, this.... that.....bla bla bla need to be banned", Thinking about how to deal with it or just simply quit if u can't handle the problem would be better. GL, enjoy ur game and especially, waiting for Sinnoh :y: :kiss: :y:
  3. Time is not the point. 1,2,3.... months or even eternal, we still wait for Shane :v So, just relax, keep playing and pray guys :v
  4. Facebook Subcribe on youtube NPC name: Velskulz Dialogue: 'Yooo...Do you really want to be the best trainer and named on ladder board? Show me your effort dude. Interaction when win the match: :Smile: Wow.... seem today is my lucky day Interaction after defeated: :y: Well done my friend... You are the best trainer I ever seen. Keep going with your great spirit. Goodluck Location: Somewhere on the way to beat Elite 4 would be great xD Thanks you guys so much for doing this event, great idea ever!!!!! Love it :Heart-eyes:
  5. 450k gust timburr :Angel:
  6. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Huge Updated 2/2) Come and see possible give away <t>insta 1m8 for blaziken</t>
  7. Re: Lazypanda's Insta Shop(Huge Updated 2/2) Come and see possible give away <t>600k for hippodown can bro?</t>
  8. Re: Tangrowth & Cloyster, PVP Ready <t>insta tangrowth bro :)</t>
  9. ^ same :))) u suck boi :v watching u :">
  10. insta relaxed tangrowth (2m5) bro :)
  11. Re: selling some poke <t>2m2 for conkeldurr</t>
  12. 2m2 magnezone :)
  13. Re: WTS Scizor PvP Ready <t>5m for that babe :x</t>
  14. Re: Wts Hidden Power ice 57 max speed timid Jolteon, h.a. adamant fletchling, timid h.a. eevee <t>Co 2m6 for eevee.</t>
  15. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <r><QUOTE author="SangkuJung"><s> </e></QUOTE> no u cant :v</r>
  16. Re: Wts Hidden Power ice 57 max speed timid Jolteon, h.a. adamant fletchling, timid h.a. eevee <r>1.5 jolteon and 2.2 eevee <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  17. Re: WTS Scizor PvP Ready <t>I make a start 1st :D 1.5m bro</t>
  18. Re: wts jolly bisharp and togepi <r>I start 1.5 for bisharp <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  19. Re: Wts Hidden Power ice 57 max speed timid Jolteon, h.a. adamant fletchling, timid h.a. eevee <r>1.3 jolteon, 1.2 eevee <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  20. Re: Wts Hidden Power ice 57 max speed timid Jolteon, h.a. adamant fletchling, timid h.a. eevee <t>1m for jolteon also :)</t>
  21. insta moxie honkrow and start for blissey (550k) bro :Angel:
  22. Re: Wts Hidden Power ice 57 max speed timid Jolteon, h.a. adamant fletchling, timid h.a. eevee <r><QUOTE author="Setzuen"><s> </e></QUOTE> i start bro :D</r>
  23. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ ALL lvl100 (21stock) ♦ [changed price for everything - 1/6/17 UPDATE] <t>wtb ur ninjask 400k bro :)</t>
  24. Re: Setzuens Insta-Shop :D :) <r>insta weavile and 900k t-tar bro <E>:Angel:</E></r>
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