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  1. good day, would like to buy this poke from ur shop, i also messaged u on disc, lmk when ur free
  2. good day, would like to buy the modest tyranitar from ur shop, i also messaged u both on discord JaB#4678
  3. good day would like to buy togepi 1 from ur shop, i also messaged u on discord JaB#4678
  4. buy 85k shuppet, i also msged u on discord
  5. buy 500k dragonite
  6. buy 350k careful scizor
  7. hello there, i messaged u on discord abt the pokes i want to buy, hope u can see it (jolteon,rotom,togekiss)
  8. buy 175k ralts, lmk when ya can come online
  9. buy 150k rotom
  10. Update on the bug, seems like you can encounter these level 1 rats anywhere lmao. This time in route 45
  11. Greetings, would like to suggest to add a feature to disable the new animations in the new update. The new animations where you encounter new wild pokes is really making my game laggy as hell( I don't know if you guys too experience it, I play on Android) and the new level-up thing really eats alot of unnecessary time etc. Would certainly like this feature to be added and hopefully you'll consider it.
  12. Greetings! Heres some context behind the pictures, I was hunting some froakies in lake cave via surf when suddenly I encountered a level 1 rattata. Totally had me confused but decided to try and catch it, so false swipe via Scizor then he dissappeared. Then random letters and symbols started appearing on chat and finally I got into a trade with a random dude with random symbols and letters. Hope this gets fixed.
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