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Everything posted by Noisia

  1. Happy New Year :Angel:
  2. Welcome to PRO Evalyne! :Smile:
  3. [glow=red]-Locking topic as resolved-[/glow]
  4. Hello Icehun, are you sure you checked the last Pokemon in your box? yes im pretty sure and i dont have it Will forward to higher staff to further look into. :Angel:
  5. Hello Icehun, are you sure you checked the last Pokemon in your box?
  6. I can log-in after redownload , thanks :).. solved Glad to see you were able to login after re-downloading the client! Check out our General Support Guide in the future if you have any further questions or feel free to make another topic here with any questions you may have. [glow=red]Locked as resolved[/glow]
  7. Welcome! o/
  8. Glad you were able to figure it out Norways, have fun with your adventures in PRO and feel free to use the forums for any help if needed! [glow=red]Locked as resolved.[/glow]
  9. Hey Norways! It looks like you might of been headed in the wrong direction. As SugarRed9 kindly stated above, there is a location to surf that will allow to passage to the Power Plant on Route 9. If you have any further questions feel free to post back here! :Angel:
  10. Welcome to PRO ExpertRabbids! :Angel:
  11. Welcome to the forums Brigid, glad you've been enjoying the game! :Angel:
  12. Hey Bovineiras, glad to see you on the forums and welcome to PRO! :Angel:
  13. Welcome to PRO Meleneden23! Glad to see you on the forums.
  14. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r><QUOTE author="oldtomato"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Daeon"><s> </e></QUOTE> Have fun and enjoy the holidays!</r>
  15. Glad to of helped. :Angel: [glow=red] Topic locked. <i>[/glow]</i>
  16. Currently the Red server is offline, you will have to wait until it reboots unfortunately. Alternatively, feel free to check the server status here.
  17. Welcome to PRO Pikafu! Glad your enjoying the game, feel free to check out our Game Guides, Live Chat, and our Frequently Asked Questions to aid you in your adventures. :Angel:
  18. Hello maykelboson, could you please post here the message your client says when you attempt to login the game?
  19. Welcome to PRO! :Angel:
  20. Welcome kikadodaigreja and glad your enjoying the game! :Angel:
  21. Glad to see you enjoying PRO Juan, cya in-game! :Angel:
  22. Hello Haitheng! I am very sorry but staff cannot reverse the evolution on Pokemon, with that being said any evolution is final. As a reminder make sure every requirement for your evolution is met before reaching level 100. It's recommended to evolve Pokemon into their final form around level 97-98 to avoid any complications and/or unexpected issues. In you have any further questions or concerns make sure to check out this General Support Guide. [glow=red]Locking Topic due to amount of similar ones already created.[/glow]
  23. Glad to see you have had your issue resolved and thank you thejollypear for helping out! :Angel: [glow=red]Locked for issue being solved.[/glow]
  24. Welcome to Pro and Happy Holidays! :Angel:
  25. Hey Daniel17, as Unbind stated this is a pretty common issue but can only be resolved by a server restart. To further prevent this issue from happening again use "SettingsĀ»Log Out" instead of force closing the client. Best of luck and happy holidays!
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