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Everything posted by Filda

  1. I'll buy your entire stock
  2. Sold and thank you ;)
  3. Added Insta
  4. Filda


    Excelent service, extremely fast and very cheap. The best daycarer on the server
  5. nothing, can delete
  6. Bid 1m by Ic3thirst
  7. noted
  8. 900k Starting price min raise: 50k Insta: 2.1m 48h after start Coin capsule: 300k Can't withraw a bid and dont accept good pokemon. good luck and merry xmas ;) Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20191209T0911&p0=:&font=cursive&csz=1
  9. 200k Discord: Filda#0777
  10. There was already this suggestion and it was said, that they wont change anything because having to trade your pokemon pushes you to find and join a reliable community and socialize yourself. Just remember to ALWAYS note the ID of your pokemon down and take a screenshot of the trade when you are both green (ready to press "Trade"). Also taking screenshots of the full conversation would also help in case of theft.
  11. Well, crafting things stone like this could come in the far future xD
  12. Hello, Just short before I begin explaining, please avoid comments like "This is not minecraft", because I am more than aware that it is not. I was thinking about something that could make PRO better in the long term, occupy players for longer periods and always give them some sort of perhaps, daily goal? I know the devs are in a rush now and working on many things, so this could work as some sort of an idea for the future ;). So let me start, PRO lacks some sort of activity that players could do and benefit from aside from usual pokemon farming and endgame boss fighting I am not counting Officer Jenny, since her quests are one time only and not really worth it. New players can usually only catch pokemon while on their journey to complete the story and can't do bosses. In the long run, players can get bored from hunting pokemon all the time or when they catch the pokemon they want, they could succumb to "burnouts" or loss of motivation from a lack of a goal. This leading to loss of playercount. Pokemon is a game with infinite replayability, indeed. But there will come a time when people get tired from always hunting hours for that epic h.a. tier 8 pokemon. So I thought about what do people do while trying to catch pokemon or do bosses? They travel, they travel in grass, encounter wild pokemon... and run from them. Runing from wild common pokemon because they have no use for them. What if we gave them a purpose? What if we encouraged people to hunt even more?! What if we could give players a permanent side goal they would continuously complete and maintain their motivation when they aren't able to catch that perfect pokemon? Here comes my idea, brace yourselves :D It is adding a crafting system, a new tab, that would allow players to utilize random wild encounters to craft common items up to better ones? Sounds pretty wild, doesnt it? Lemme explain: -I suggest that we could add material drops that you would recieve from any pokemon encounter when you kill/catch it What I mean by that is, that every pokemon would drop its unique material after you would defeat or catch it. The higher the pokemon tier, the higher the material rarity. This could transform annoying wild encounter while traveling, into juicy re-stocking opportunities. Example: 1 Rattata drops 1 Rattata fur after battle -I suggest that we would be able to craft different items from these materials like potions or pokeballs! Not every player wants to spend his money on buying basic, one use items. Instead, crafting and gaining materials while normaly playing the game would reward the more active and devoted players that already invested thousands of hours into the game, by giving the opportunity to utilize all the efforts they've invested into the game by essentialy, "removing the money cost of base items" if they have enought resources. This could also help new players while on their journey when money is not around. Example: PRO players wouldnt need to spend crazy amounts of money on repels when they would be able to craft them! -Insane opportunities for better in-game events and for the player's motivation! The crafting system could have infinite ways it could be used! We could craft through it event exclusive items instead of having to catch tier 8 pokemon and gaining "coins" to buy items in the shop (I am looking at you, recent Halloween event), acquire crafting recipes through in-game events that would or would not disappear after the event, to get the possibility to make yourself event clothes for example. Players that dont intend to hunt hours for pokemon or arent interested would also have something to chase after they completed the main event quest. -I suggest adding various recipes to obtain as all kinds of rewards. Recipes can be used in many places as exclusive ways of gaining rewards. Example: When an event begins, all players would gain a limited time recipe for event items for them to craft. Recipes for exclusive clothes from defeating a PVE boss. PVP random or shop purchases. Rewards from quests. -I suggest the crafting system itself :P. The crafting system would be a tab just like the inventory, pokedex, etc... You would be able to access it anytime and craft anything you currently need. You would be able to view the amount of each material you have in a new tab in the inventory. The crafting tab would be a place where you could view all the available items to craft. You would select one by clicking at it, viewing the required amount of each material, being able to write manualy the amount of the crafted items, and being able to craft it! Example: We could also add a little "info" icon next to each material to get an indication on where to find it. -I mini-suggest :D This could also be a future way of obtaining/making mega stones (maybe Z-stones too...) You could perhaps obtain the recipe for making each individual mega stone from its own quest and once unlocked, you could maybe craft it for a high material price of course. I have the feeling, that I listed the majority of the positive effects it could bring, now, to the negative part: -Making possible to craft clothes could slightly break the economy, only if the clothes would be made tradable. -A crap ton of work for the small PRO dev team. (That's why I listed this only as a side idea for when the major issues were being done dealing with) Bottomline, I think this would be an increadible and very unique way of giving the players a chance of getting something extra out of their normal playtime and I think it still has a lot more potential than I said in this suggestion post. Thank you so much for reading my whole post ;) Filda.
  13. Filda

    A suggestion!

    Just as Bhimoso said, the UI rework and PVP rework are on their way. This could be an option once the game is setup and the PRO team has more scripters ;)
  14. +1
  15. Filda

    Cristal onix

    +1 Would be a very nice event addition indeed
  16. +1
  17. Filda

    subway npc

  18. +1
  19. +1
  20. I think they already stated that this will be their priority once they are done with the PVP rework. They said it on discord or something, can't remember now.
  21. Small details make the game better +1 from me
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