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Everything posted by Frux

  1. Meh it can be done tbh. Try requesting on our own Spriting corner, there might be someone who is willing to make a sprite for your pink rat.
  2. this site has the animated sprites of pokemons. pokemondb But if youre referring to mine, I made it myself. By combining series of images from ingame and made it as gif.
  3. oh u mean my sig. it is just a gif which is added with a without marquee with marquee [marq=left][/marq]
  4. There are some guides on youtube/google on how to put a gif on an image(signature). If you're referring for this It is just a gif (animated picture) using the "-" tagg. example "%5Bcolor=#BFFFBF%5Dgif.com/charinoob.gif%5B/color%5D"
  5. dude appeals shouldn't be discussed here. proceed here > Discipline Appeals
  6. Hi. I would like to support your suggestion by making an alternative measure other than removing the fee. How about make a ticket to the forest the same way as the Train Ticket which implemented days ago. - This ticket will be availed by paying 20k. - This ticket will allow you to go in and out of the forest for 24hr (real life time) - and will lose or disappear after the allotted time. Or maybe lets reduce it to 12hrs or increase the price to 40k incase someone find it too cheap lol
  7. man why mew. :Cry:
  8. im worried about the copyrights. :Crazy: I wonder how did they able to add the deadpool and harley quin costumes too xD
  9. Ahh very nice. At last someone took an initiative to produce another exca site guide. :y:
  10. :Light: maybe
  11. #BanSomes #SemosNab #SomesBan #NabSemos
  12. Welcome to forums. Enjoy your stay mate. :Angel:
  13. I am a using Gimp. I think i can confirm that gimp is a very good alternative for PS. I've made several sigs for myself, gifs, banners, etc. oh and my current sig is made from gimp too, including the gifs and ava. Yes, you can. Theres also alota guides on youtube or google.
  14. Holy guacamole, I like this hunt guide, specially the pie graph <3 :y:
  15. Why not ? :/ Wrong tag mate. it was chameleon
  16. I'm pretty sure the lifetime is impossible. But the 30 day is very good idea. commended on PS skills :Light:
  17. Yup I was in this too lol. I remember, when i accidentally broke the clause due to misclick. I as soon as possible pm the guy and said sorry. Then he goes raging and threatening me that he'll report. So I offered a deal for him, "I'll u win, in return, u wont report me". he was about to lose at that time tho :Crazy: I wonder what happen if you're get banned from breaking the sleep clause. What is it by the way ?
  18. Unfortunately iirc, those were already suggested and were also denied. flash&rockclimb is good :y:
  19. youre a one hell of a
  20. Hi! Actually the Mean look move is already listed in here > PvP Rules and Revamp of Bugged Moves / Abilities/ Items not to be Used in PvP
  21. This is a good alternative way but only for those who does not do pvp or does not use sashes on pvp. Those sashes are not worth to use for bosses in their behalf. Otherwise if 1-2 only i guess or if there's an assurance that a certain boss will give a focus sash in return. Nice guide :y:
  22. Hey welcome back. Glad u recovered. There is truly no one you can trust nowadays, and sometimes you can't even trust yourself. Best of luck to your sweet revenge. Have fun boi
  23. No precise ETA. All depends on Shane, I think.
  24. Oh my, take your time shane. I'm pretty sure this simple response will suffice to extend people's patience. :y:
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