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Everything posted by Frux

  1. Its just one of the cause. I got a couple of conclusions too, 1.) People(sellers) who pretend to be a random guy on trade and post, "Wtb ms 1m" and if u pm them they will tell u "I already bought one" tho they really didn't, it was just to show to children(buyer&seller) that that price is exact and fair. Therefor other sellers adapt the price (coz why not? the more the better.) 2.)Some people also do retails which increases 20-50% of price he capital. Most of them do the trick(#1) to manipulate the price. Tho I am not against it neither is pro to it, for I fully understand why staffs/devs has no right to control the MS price. But if MS price wreck is the reason that # of players online drops, I'm afraid im going to support the protest of these children #500kms
  2. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r><GLOW glow="#FF4000"><s>[glow=#FF4000]</s>Long Live boyz<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  3. "serve" is so disturbing for me. oh well, best of luck to them.
  4. Unfornately Light hurts my eyes. #PRODark :Cool:
  5. Frux

    guild logo

    theres a Logo master beside the Guild master. it is where u design ur guild logo. what is your country flag btw? i might help u with design coz i luv doing pixelarts.
  6. tbh this is was suggested multiple times my friend, unfortunately, as per my knowledge, no staff/dev responded on this suggestion yet.
  7. Frux

    Christmas Pokemon

    I suppose those commons should be there too, e.g caterpie/weedle/rattata/spinarak so atleast there will a be huge chance that everyone can be given with an xmas themed poke. Just to cure the jealousy xD
  8. This thread is going nowhere
  9. Welcome to forums then
  10. u got a very high skills in editing my friend. :y: am i the only one noticed it? :Shocked:
  11. Staff has no right to control it. Only the players, specifically buyer&seller can cure this vicious cancer. Best of luck. May the force be with yall.
  12. Glad someone has same plans as me, Welcome to Paradise. Tho some people whine about the grind system, they're just not suitable for this game. I perceive Hell for this kinds of people.
  13. good idea. tho this should on Suggestions section.
  14. As what he said.
  15. Was wondering too but meh who cares. The only reason i could think of is as u said "buy low, sell high". Maybe they're worried if the owner sees it and call them scammer, scavengers, hustler or smth like that.
  16. I personally prefer a shiny somes. that poke is a good slave. :kiss:
  17. :Bored: This is the real OT.
  18. They bought it mate, If u have patience. Grind 24/7 for 1500+hrs you will meet atleast 10 shinies for sure(i met 23 of them at that hrs).
  19. Re: Clone Event Re-activation <r><E>:y:</E> <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  20. Re: ▲Inferno BlaZe▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ <r><QUOTE author="quanle92"><s> </e></QUOTE> No. <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  21. I doubt this is true my friend. Atleast several days ago&before when theres no staff steppin down.
  22. ooh intriguing...
  23. :confused: I dont understand why this is in Suggestions.
  24. If Im not mistaken, theres already a mail system that is planned which u could also used in sending items. but I guess its different from trading items for $/w.e. which i thought of based on your suggestion.
  25. Ohh I thought they cant do that because its in beta state, can they? Yea ur right there. On consoles in which everything is spoon-fed is what theyre grown too, which is also unavoidable because pokemon rpg started there. Theyre like a mere child struggling to survive in an adult environment.
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