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Everything posted by Frux

  1. Just because Gyarados has low base stat on sptk doesn't really mean it is not viable to be sptker on pvp. But just Atker is the most/best recommendation. Creativity, Tactic, Experience, Crazy most people who has that could run an Sptk Gyarados. No idea how but I was once deadlocked/checkmated by an Sptk Gyarados. We should sometimes refrain from limiting Magikarp's immeasurable power.
  2. Welcome aboard! ^,..,^ Do enjoy your stay.
  3. I liked Deathnote, SnK, HxH. Special mention, Dragon Ball series.
  4. Ah well bummer, the truth has been spoken. Tnx gey :kiss: Edit: @chameleon well that could apply for amaura but i think Olman's got his before the 3rd time reward was implemented. I thought only kanto fossils can be revived at cinnabar until now. x)
  5. I dont remember any tyrunt from wild nor given by bosses, could you explain how Olman's shiny tyrunt popped? Edit: iirc theres also a shiny amaura on red.
  6. As far as I know, staffs are on full time scripting/coding the sinnoh region. Unfortunately, no one knows the exact date of sinnoh's arrival. Just be calm and wait. Pretty sure it'll pop before 2018 arrives.
  7. There should be limit to these. Otherwise this will just promote sloppiness.
  8. How would you feel when you ran away from not just 1, not just 2 but 3 shiny(s)? xD. Feel me someh
  9. Not at all, but the fossils that are revived by the hiker at a certain site which you'll have to catch by battling can be shiny. As far as I know.
  10. Everyone wants the title, "Legend". Well done.
  11. We've all been there mate. Hey I have "hardy" nature Mew and cancer Suicune. Its all about acceptance. Its just a game anyway. To answer your question, No, theres no way to change nature of caught pokemon. As of now.
  12. whom ever scripter/s that could pull it off will be legend.
  13. Welcome Lilyc0ve, I hope youll meet our fellow player Goldenrod xD
  14. Frux

    Cave Map

    Nice cave . The bane of most players xD. Btw try removing the grid when showcasing.
  15. If its not just a battle statement/message error then, Yes absolute.
  16. Nope. It should rose.
  17. Ahh an npc who checks pokemon's hiddenpower is a good idea. xD
  18. Its ez, tho since its a gen 7 update i wonder how they'll go with it. Without even achieving a full updated moves/abi/battle system/engine of gen 6.
  19. Thats one hell of a massive map. Tho there is a part of me that wants to try it. xD
  20. Well done! almost perfect. Will be expecting more from you mate. :Shy:
  21. Special area. Beside the iv(01-31) displays the ev(000). If zubat kills a pokemon it earns ev. If u want to raise its sptk ev, kill pokes which gives sptk ev. Easiest are psyduck/oddish--1 ev , golduck/gloom--2 ev. Every 4ev adds 1 point to your total stat. Maximum ev you can earn is 510. Maximum ev per stat is 252. So youre most likely go for 252sptk and 252spd. If its for storyline purposes nature doesnt matter in my opinion. If its for pvp go for timid nature , or jolly
  22. Sometimes alt-tab or relog fixes it.
  23. Re: Simple suggestions ~ 1 denied/1 implemented out of 10 <t>A simple npc guard would suffice, promting if a player wants to leave when he/she interacts with that npc. Just like safari guards.</t>
  24. Aren't the Doctor Quest/Arcanine mount quest/Daily Task, etc. a side quest? Maybe not enough
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