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About Cam

  • Birthday 03/02/1996

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  1. No, there is no reason to bring back a 6 Gen ability if we are using 7 Gen mechanics. Why don't we bring back levitate Gengar then? In any case, we should update to Gen 8 mechanics. Also what's the purpose behind this suggestion? It definitely wouldn't be a better PvP metagame, it was nerfed for a reason.
  2. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Camilovic 2. Number of hours played? Exactly 3600 while writing this 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Bulbasaur 4. What country are you from? Spain 5. How old are you? 23 6. When's your Birthday? (Optional) 2nd of March
  3. Pokémon in PRO have the same stats, abilities and movepools than Gamefreak, why should we allow these illegal combinations? This is not about differentiating us from Smogon, this is about following the original games mechanics. I think we should keep illegal combinations banned.
  4. Name change Camde Change into: Camilovic I ended up regreting the previous name change
  5. Current name: Camilovic New name: Cami Server: Silver
  6. IGN: Camilovic Rating: +300 Seasons on ladder: A couple of times including last season. Vote: keep the rule Reason: People would abuse this rule to boost their guild points not only by creating new accounts, but playing with accounts of inactive friends. The real solution for me is to add something that induce people to play unranked (pve coins or something). Or at least dont let people to have more than one account per guild.
  7. Player name: Camilovic Showdown name: Camelott Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 24
  8. IGN: Camilovic Playtime: 3018 hours PVP rating: 438 Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes Reason: Currently nature rerolls are a waste of money or pvp coins. When I made the top, I spent all my coins changing my gentle mew. I ended getting a new gentle mew after 3 useless natures. Vote for Birth Island: Yes Reason: Having only one of the legendaries means only one set per player. I think this is the healthiest option for pvp.
  9. https://gyazo.com/65a42b018dba5023e25312b4f0b8da4e?token=dd7236ae413db8c78c8ae2aeb454353f Ninetales
  10. Cam

    Team Preview - Yes or no?

    Vote: yes Reason: More skill-based pvp, letting you know when to sacrifice a Pokemon or when to use a certain move or not. Ladder: Top 25 February, last season before merge.
  11. No se si hay que apuntarse aqui pero entro
  12. Player name: Camilovic Showdown name: Camelott Server: Red Rank on ladder: 17
  13. Re: [The Nabs] 5° Torneo Interno > Grupos Huevo <t>Entro a la shet esta</t>
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