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Everything posted by Roniix
Try getting a dark type pokemon or teaching your pokes good dark or bug types attack. Ev training: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=2550 Iv's: They are value between 1 and 31 that the bigger they are, the better the stat of the pokemon will be. They won't change.
There's none yet. But I can tell you which ones are on Kanto. Theres 1 on route 1 (abra for mr mime) A girl between viridian forest and petwer city (nidoran f for nidoran m) An old man on creulean (poliwhirl for jynx) On cinnabar there are 3 i think (raichu for electredo) - (Venonat for tangela) and not sure the last one. A girl between fuchsia and route 18 (golduck for lickitung)
Well I been trying to see all the commands available and for now I have this: [glow=red]Normal Commands:[/glow] /Friend "username" = Add someone. /Ignore "username" = Ignore someone /Battle <username> Send battle request. /Happy "1/6" = Pokes' happiness. /Ref = Refresh the game to avoid stuck. /Online = Users online. (Works with /on and /who) /Play = Tells you when you joined + your playtime /Add = Your ip address. ALT + Enter = Changes the game from Full-screen to Windowed and vice-versa. /Loc - System Location, show the x, y coordination and map name /All <msg> Will post a msg to all channel /ismember Displays your membership status. /Pokedex Shows caught, seen, and evolved pokedex data. /Pm<yourname>-=-<username> Sends a message. Example: /pm Roniix-=-Lobito [glow=red]Guild Commands:[/glow] (WaterMage contribution) /gcreate = to make a guild (only leader) /gleave = to leave from the guild (all member) /gmotd = to fill the motd guild / guild description (only leader) /ginvite <Name> - Invite some1 to the guild - guild leader only If you have any others post them here and I will edit it so it could be a complete list of commands! :Grin:
Hello Bido! Yeah. When the server started it there was a max capacity of 850, and I don't know if it was smaller even before. Just give them time. It's a beta! :Grin:
Welcome to PRO Carlack ! Never it's too late to start it jajaja. If you need some help send me a PM! :Grin:
Hi Chrisbu! Welcome to the game dude! hope you like it :Grin:
Maybe you are using too much internet, or there are much connected to your wi-fi. I played it and it works like always :D:
When you finish the game you can: *Fill the pokedex to go to different places. *Train rare pokes to sell them *Wait till hoenn is ready.
Hello Light Trainer!!! Welcome to PRO! Enjoy your stay! :Grin:
Por lo que tengo entendido no se pueden capturar legendarios. Escuché que iban a poner alguno capturable pero que iba a ser dificil, pero la verdad no estoy seguro. Igual de que te sirve un legendario? Los pokemones comunes son mejores :Cool: ajajajjaja
A todos nos gustaria, pero pensa que seria re molesto para el que compra algún pokemon que le venga con un mote que no le gusta :_
Yeah you put where it says Insert Image and it appear the Img inside the []
Go to: User control Panel . Then go to Profile. Under "Edit Profile" You have "Edit Signature". There is a 580 character limit.
Welcome to the game Bido! The game is a bit new and it's a beta. So far you start on Kanto, and then you can go to Johto. Hoenn will be able soon. You can go to some new places that they weren't on other games, like "Love island" and some places are a bit different (better). Im not sure how maney but there is a good system of GM and Admins.
Well hello zerozeolotus! Welcome to the game! Nice to meet you too :Grin:
Hello BouBye!! Welcome to the game. Hope you stay and enjoy of this community! :Grin:
Hi Mara!! Welcome to the game! Greetings from Argentina! Yeah I F. love the arts and the differences between this game and the classic FR/LG versions. jajajaj.
Hello Powerhouse! I think we are all greatfull to the PRO staff for making this community better everyday :Angel: . Here is my list: Favourite Pokemon: Absol/Umbreon Favourite Type: Dark Favourite Generation: Generation II
We all were news once! Welcome to the game truongcool95!
Hello there Gecc! Welcome to the game! Enjoy! :Grin:
Hello Zale! Nice to meet you, anything you need pm me I will respond!
Hi ErratioD! Yeah we all were waiting for a game like this! jajaja hope you enjoy it us much as I do! :Grin:
Hello eidanx! Welcome to the game! :Grin:
Did you try deleting the data and re installing it with other client?
Yeah it's Brendan! From pokemon ORAS! (also as Ruby on pokemon mangas)