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Posts posted by Biaozila

  1. 336839 pretty sure they just removed dril from vic. road or made the spawn rate something stupid like they have been doing with other pok the last few weeks..

    The spawn rate is the same as always as far as I know, it's actually kinda painful to change the spawn rate for any specific Pokemon in the wild, so I doubt anyone will go through the trouble to actually do that.

  2. 336739 Right... Snivy is now removed, supposedly everyone got it who fought Bugsy. I fought yesterday and did not get one. So yup, just don't fight Bugsy now it may be pointless.

    336747 Is Snivy back as a reward yet? Don't wanna burn cooldown


    It was removed for 10 minutes yesterday, already back.

  3. 336023 Zezu wrote:

    Source of the post do bugsy give snivy now? thor said she would soon.


    Yes she does now :3


    No she doesn't give snivy, I spent too much time reading script and saw snivy as shiny. Anyway she doesn't give snivy(yet), so sorry about the confusion. :Cry:

  4. I did make an mistake on Lorelei boss cool down checker, that number is actually in minutes, but it's already fixed as of now. As to the consecutive win, the consecutive win for Lorelei was implemented this week, the original consecutive win by Thor only include a handful of bosses(Lorelei was not one of them). So the consecutive win count for her only started recently(yesterday or the day before can't remember exactly). If you beat her prior to that time, you won't get any consecutive win count.


    Let me know if you have any other questions, otherwise will lock this topic as solved.

  5. 335567 at first I was kinda hyped for it but excluding Nareo makes it well lets say; pointless at least for me (rip shiny munchlax)

    Lets just say that getting a Shiny Muchlax from Naero is easier than getting it from doctor's quest, even without doing anything to the Naero boss, that's how op the Naero reward already is. If I revamp it even more, I'm gonna have people like Somes throwing bricks through my window :Grin:

  6. Hello fellow PROers(not sure if that's a word),


    As many of you already know, I have been going through the in-game bosses for revamps recently. And all bosses from all 3 regions have been revamped by today. Most of the bosses(all except for one time bosses, Naero and Jessie&James) will now give the extra Pokemon reward after 3 consecutive wins with an increased chance of it being shiny. The reason for Naero's exclusion is that he already gives very op reward without the extra Pokemon after 3 consecutive wins, and Jessie&James are just bandits and don't appreciate player constantly beating them up(but the Pokemon they leave still have chance to be shiny). Other than that, all bosses' cool down are reduced to 12 days from 14 days if they are not already. The cool down checker might be broken for the first cycle after the boss revamp, but should work as intended after that.


    That's about it, post comments below and if you encounter any bugs with the new boss system, report them in Bug Section.


    Other than that, beat those bosses. :Smile:

  7. 334276 ok npcs gone cuz they should not be there but why make rare candy untradable ? dont fool us is not shame to say we amke this to force users buy ms and xp boost that make sense and before someone said i cry about that ( i got over 40 ms in my account trust me i will only win from this ) just is not FAIR :D


    RC is made untradable because we have the concern someone who stocked up the rare candy will take advantage of it given the NPC no longer sells it. And the next thing you know rare candy price will be 100k each, and people will start complaining about it like they do for MS prices. :confused:

  8. 334267 Add vendors instead. No one's gonna build a team depending on a boss reward or a positive PvP record. You need to have a positive PvP record if FS/WP cost 1c each, assuming you consume 1 per battle.


    The NPCs that sells the items for pokedollar iare gone for good. They were never intended to be there, and was mistakenly added. The price of consumable pvp items MIGHT change. And I MIGHT be able to add those items as boss reward. That's all I can say at the moment.

  9. The Focus Sash/Weakness Policy cost might be adjusted soon, as we are still talking it out what's a more reasonable price for them. In the meantime, I will try to get approval for adding more focus sash or even adding weakness policy to the reward pool for some unpopular bosses. Just be patient, we are sorting it out.

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