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About Poweronline

  • Birthday 11/01/1996

Personal Information

  • Discord
    PowerOnline #0322
  • Career
    Engineering Student
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Poweronline's Achievements



  1. Usarname: PowerOnline Server: silver
  2. how much?
  3. In-game name: PowerO Server: Silver GMT Timezone: GMT-5 Need help evolving a mon. i will be on for the next few hours Allready evolved sry for the trouble
  4. In-game name: Poweronline Server: Silver GMT Timezone: GMT+1 I am on now and will be for the next 4h or so. its done dont need help anymore thx anyway.
  5. ● What's your Name/IGN? - PowerOnline ● How old are you? - 21yo ● Are you active in Discord? - everytime i am on pc discord is open, so almost everyday. ● Where are you from? - I am from Portugal. ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? i have almost 252h. I play Pro 3/4 times a week i cant play everyday. ● What's your goal in PRO? - My favorite part of pokemon its the pvp, so my objective in PRO is to get a lot of epic pokes to use in pvp. ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? - i am tired of playing alone and Chaos looks a realy organized guild with the objective to grow. ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? - My favorite Pokemon its Charizard b4 it was my first pokemon. ● What's your favorite animal and why? - My favorite animal is the dog b4 its a super loyal animal, as long u treat them rigth.
  6. Hey guys! so i stoped playing for a few months and now i have no ideia on the prices can someone PC some pokes for me pls? Realy thankfull for the help.
  7. so i dont play for a few month and i have no ideia how mutch my pokes are worth :S
  8. [glow=red]Hi all![/glow] Please can u guys tell me how mutch are my pokes worth? :thanks: :kiss: :Heart: https://snag.gy/jdMRCy.jpg (gengar) https://snag.gy/V2irBZ.jpg (gliscor)
  9. So how mutch is this Rhyperior worth? (after EV train i mean)
  10. how mutch is it worth?
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