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Everything posted by Goldmariechen

  1. Please fill this out: ● What's your Name/IGN? ● How old are you? ● Are you active in Discord? ● Where are you from? ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? ● What's your goal in PRO? ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? ● What's your favorite animal and why? :)
  2. Hi, i wanted to fight Pewdie, but it said unexpected Error, when I said I want to fight on Medium .. and when i talked to him again he just asking if I wanna check cooldown. But yeah, I didn't battled him. Seems like there is something broken.
  3. Ur right, u can report. But it would make less work for Staffs and the Member. :p
  4. Hello, got a suggestion, cause it happened to me now a few times (just rn rip valentine spearow+nidoran m). When you encounter a Event/Special-Pokemon you get a message that you encountered a rare Pokemon. Can we get a message like that, if we want to delete a Event Pokemon by accident (or not)? Would be really helpful. Cause sometimes when you sort your boxes, u just look at the stats. And for example Valentine Spearow is not THAT obviously when u don't especially look for it. Thank you for reading. :>
  5. U should fill our questionnaire. And then we will see.
  6. Most Clefairy and Timid 29 Speed Vulpix sold to Celestic. TY. :) New Mons will be added soon.
  7. Nidoran (Timid, 31 Speed) sold to Kuto. Will be removed from shop.
  8. Snivy LV37. (Hp Ice) sold to Gmann. Will be removed from shop. :) Ty.
  9. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: NamelessHero27 Friendliest: ImHanjoo Funniest: FastedCorsi Coolest: eNvymeister Comeback Player of the Year: Penny Most Talkative: BuyShinyNair Most Trustworthy: Zockchock Most Helpful: Samurai Most Missed: Zinsmiter Most Influential: Cames Most Intriguing: Iriztha Most Experienced Player: Mamathieu Best/Funniest Username: TaintedTruth Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301 Most Professional Discord Moderator: Ichibann STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Aspheric Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Content Scripter: Yamette Best Community Coordinator: Shinohara Best Moderator: MutantNair Best Trade Moderator: SaltySully Best Tester: Gorem Best Game Master: Logan Best Admin: Eaty Best Staff Username: Eaty Most Professional Staff: Eaty Most Dedicated Staff: Eaty Funniest Staff: Shaolan Friendliest Staff: Eaty Most Honorable Former Staff: Justified Most Missed Former Staff: Noxious
  10. Hi, after I talked to Trevor he and his Pokemon disappear. Where he stand is an Alpha Wall. So I can't ask him for hints.
  11. Sold Torkoal (31 Def) to Darkwivern. TY. :) Will be deleted from shop.
  12. gimme some offers and I will decide if I'm fine with the prices :)
  13. Sorry ... I was busy yesterday. I will be at home this evening. You can write me in Discord Goldmariechen#6288 Or I will answer u here, when I'm back home later, if u still got interest. <3
  14. Ah okay. I thought maybe this is your final offer. I would go down to 350k, 'cause u seem like a nice guy and u really want it. But I won't go lower than that. :>
  15. Sorry, this is way too low for me. I was told people buying that for 450-600k .. I don't wanna scam someone, but I don't want to sell it way underpriced. But ty for you interest. :)
  16. I got no specific price. If a offer sounds fine for me, I sell it. If I had a specific price, I would have write it next to the Pokemons.
  17. Hey. :) I'm waiting for offers.
  18. Axew sold to PennMertens. Will be deleted from shop.
  19. Eevee and Gligar sold to So6maks! Will be removed from shop. Ty. <3
  20. I'm waiting for offers, like I said in my post. :p
  21. I'm waiting for offers, like I said in my post. :)
  22. Togepi (Timid 20 Speed) sold to Greninjaite. Will be deleted from shop. :)
  23. Nidoran M (26 Speed) sold to Nessu. Will be deleted from shop :)
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