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Everything posted by Goldmariechen

  1. I have this one for sell. 150k.
  2. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Cames Friendliest: Zockchock Funniest: Zinsmiter Coolest: Cyber54 Comeback Player of the Year: Justyuno Most Talkative: Namelesshero27 Most Trustworthy: Walrosskastanie Most Helpful: Claw Most Missed: Stickstoff Most Influential: Envymeister Most Intriguing: Justified Most Experienced Player: Mamathieu Best/Funniest Username: Sensenmannx Most Professional Guide Maker: Buyshinynair Most Professional Discord Moderator: Justyuno STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Tempa Best Artist: Aeolus Best Community Coordinator: Fluffles Best Moderator: Mutantspider Best Trade Moderator: Klhover Best Game Master: Letrix Best Admin: Eaty Best Staff Username: Fluffles Most Professional Staff: Eaty Most Dedicated Staff: SyaoranLi Funniest Staff: SyaoranLi Friendliest Staff: Eaty Most Honorable Former Staff: Rekkuza Most Missed Former Staff: Quakkz
  3. I AM CHAOS TRUSTED GURL! I Need Second Shiny Lapras.
  4. NEW ONE. I'M IN <3 Chaoslove.
  5. Got my Price. Very Happy about this! Thank you, Rolione :)
  6. What is your Discord tag? Goldmariechen#6288 How often do you use Discord? Everyday, on MacBook & Iphone If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? I would love to a good price-check channel. Many times, there is no reply. :)
  7. It was Christmas 2017. I was always a Shiny Lover. Especially pink shinys. The Christmas Event was a full success for me. I caught many Xmas-Sentrets, X-Mas-Teddiursas, a X-Mas Buneary and a X-Mas Sandshrew. And from good friends of mine I became a X-Mas-Eevee & a shiny Spheal (pink! <3). All of this made me really happy. But the Best ... I was farming a X-Mas Ralts. I was farming, and farming .. and farming. I was tired. And THEN. A beautiful Shiny Sneasel appeared! I already saw one in Trade, but I had no Money for this. And Now I have one, with my own OT! I already have a pink Heracross, a pink Wobbuffet and others. But this is my only Love. <3
  8. TO WIPESBILD I can’t live without you likes Ash & his Pikachu, like Magikarp without water. I can't live without you like Charmander without fire, like Snorlax without sleep. I can't live without you like Alakazam without his Spoons, like Eevee without Evolutions. I can't live without you like Electrode without Electro, like Cubone without his Mother, like Togepi without his Egg. I need you like Nidoqueen needs her King. Please, be my Valentine. :Heart:
  9. Thanks for reply. My Macbook is running very hot & I don't know if I can play PRO any longer on it with this problems. I hope for a an update or a solution soon. I really love to play PRO, but ... my Macbook is more important to me. So, I have to wait for an update before I can play again or I have to search my old Laptop (Where is the charging cable? :x). But Thanks for the Information. :)
  10. BTW i have a third problem. My ventilation (correct word?) ist very loud on my MacBook Pro, since the new Client. I bought my Macbook in April, you can not say it's old. When Client is closed, there is no sound from the ventilation. The Client is not optimized for MacOS at all. I hope there will be a solution soon. Greetz.
  11. -YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON AND WHY? My favorite Pokémon is Lapras. In The Anime it‘s a very friendly Pokémon & a good friend. It‘s good-natured. And I think that Lapras is underrated. Lapras can learn many good attacks. And BTW: It‘s cute and beautiful! -WHY YOU WANT TO WIN? Because I need some good Pokémon in my team. And I Love Shinys! -WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR CHRISTMAS? That everyone is friendly to eachother! -WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND AND WHY? In PRO it‘s Wipesbild. She has come back from a Long „pause“. I can laugh with her, an we have so much fun together. And I trust her. There is nothing I wouldn‘t give to her. I know she is a very good Person and we have so many similarities.
  12. Neeeeeeeeein Phime :( <3 Das kannst du doch nicht machen. Ich werde dich vermissen :(
  13. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: Jacotrica Friendliest: Claw Funniest: Wipesbild Coolest: Cyber54 Comeback Player of the Year: Wipesbild Most Talkative: Wipesbild Most Trustworthy: Cames Most Helpful: Cyber54 Most Missed: Phime. Most Influential: Wipesbild Most Intriguing: Unfriendly STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Neroli Best CC: Darkphase Best MOD: Mutantspider Best CS: Naero Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Mapper: Spectify Most Professional Staff: Naero Most Friendly Staff: Spectify Most Dedicated Staff: Darkphase Most Honorable Former Staff: Spectify
  14. I don't know, if this is the right Thread. I have many problems with the new Client on my MacBook Pro. 1. When I start the Client, GUI Scale is always left. It is everytime & it starts to annoying me. 2. I can't inspect people or write them. Not with a click or with a command. Is there a solution? I think many people with MacOS have problems, I'm reading this in All or Help Chat. But I Love This Game. And I never had problems before. Greetings, Goldmariechen
  15. ● PRO name: Goldmariechen ● Discord name: Goldmariechen#6288 ● Favorite christmas Pokemon: Swablu/Munchlax
  16. NPC Name: Goldmarie Starting Dialogue: It's time for a special present! Losing Dialogue: I let you win, that's my present for you. On Cooldown Dialogue: Next time, you let me win - that's your present for me. Okay? Team: Spheal, Lapras, Archeops (<3) Special Request:If possible a Christmas Costume
  17. NPC: Grandma Goldmariechen Text: I came in like a Pokeball. I just wanted is to catch em' all! Team: Lapras, Archeops, Wigglytuff :)
  18. Name: Goldmariechen Server: RED
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