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Everything posted by Goldmariechen

  1. Timburr sold to Aurumwarrior. Will be deleted from shop. :)
  2. Gible and Treecko sold to Rax50001 .. Will be deleted from shop. :)
  3. Hey Rax5001, u can just offer me and we will find a price that is fine for both of us. PM on Discord Goldmariechen#6288 or try to pm me ig.. makes it more easy :)
  4. Bold Togepi (31 Speed, 29 HP ..) sold to GodLightYagami :) Will be deleted from shop.
  5. Make me an offer, and we will find a price that is okay for us both. :) Would be more easy if u pm me in Discord Goldmariechen#6288
  6. Sorry, I was on vacation. Make me an offer, and we will find a price. Would be easier if u PM me in Discord Goldmariechen#6288 :)
  7. Sold Jolly Gligar to PurpleMauth :3
  8. Sold to Godlightyagami: Impish Gligar, Turtwig, Pinsir and Timid Snorunt. :)
  9. Litwick sold to Liquid, Munchlax to Duerenkran. :)
  10. Hi Guys, here are some Pokes I found in my boxes and that I want to sell. :) I just take offers, got no fixed prices. I only accept Money, or Shinys/Events as offer. You can write me in forum or discord: Goldmariechen#6288 I hope you all having a nice day! :3
  11. Hi, a reroll from that NPC right in front of the Castle? Otherwise I got nothing in my bag. I catched Darkrai in 2017.
  12. Nevermind .. Could It be that I just skipped all the Rest what my rewards are? Now the NPC near the Castle wanna reroll Pokes ..
  13. Hello. I battled that second Alucard Boss. After the battle the game got stuck and I had to relog. I got back to that castle and out of DarkRealm. I didn't got rewards or anything. And I can't go back to Dark Realm. I invested 4 hours in that Quest. And I would be really mad, if that bug or whatever it is, would bring me my rewards or something. I'm using MacOS if this should be from interest.
  14. - What was your favorite part of the event? I love to hunt. I'm a big fan of the different sprites. And that you are able to hunt mons with easter form, which are really rare. Like Larvesta and Kanghaskan. And I liked the maps. U worked pretty hard on the maps and everybody should see that. - What was your least favorite part of the event? Breezy Falls. Not everyone is into battling. But the spawns at Breezy Falls are pretty good, but u are not really able to hunt there, when u only can bring a single lv25 mon. Why not doing the LC-opponents like the bosses? U can only fight them with a LV25 or lower mon? I would love if u change that soon. I saw the spawns before u opened the map, because of the Reborn-Bot. And I was so hyped! But now I was so disappointed because of the requirements to enter the map. I can understand that u want to make a little challenge of it. I fought the guys, hoping that I can enter after I beaten them all. But no, I was just more disappointed. Because the battles are just difficult. And wow: If u leave the map u can only enter again with a single mon. If u want to fight them again after cool down u have to catch new ones. That's not ok. I spent Items on the Mons and can't use them again. Thats sad. - What can we do to make the event better for next year? See above. I was fine with everything else. - Were any parts of the event (or the whole thing) so terrible that we should delete them and forget they were ever added? See 2 above. Like I just said, I was fine with everything else. Thank you for your effort. I know this was a lot of work.
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