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Everything posted by Grandwarden

  1. Not a bad idea. I don't think daily chest is possible. But weekly chest is not a bad idea. Good thought :Smile:
  2. Phime, there is a saying legends never die, like that you will be remembered forever bro. Good luck with everything in life. When life becomes tough, just remember the fun times of PRO. My favorite Pokemon is Lugia. Not only because it's strong. It cares. In an episode, when somebody tried to harm it's child, it reacted like a beast and never gave up even though it was thrashed down. It never gives up even if it's thrashed down. I like it very much. So my avatar has Lugia in it. I like its design and attacks as well, love it :Heart: My wish this Christmas is that the next year would be happy for me and everyone else. May the problems faced by the world be solved like no education, poor health care, etc:- My small wish regarding PRO is may everyone playing pro never leave the game and may pro continue forever. I am editing this post as an incident happened to me today. As every year, I went to orphanage to distribute gifts among children with a . I asked one of the boy what was his wish for Christmas. His answer was, " Please, can you give me parents. I don't want any of the toys, I just want parents". His answer shocked me, as I could not complete his wish. So I wish, on this Christmas, may everybody wish be fulfilled. Especially that boy's wish I wanna win as I don't have many shinies and 100lvl Pokemons. So if I get some,it would be a good help. The main reason I wanna win is to prove all the people who bully me as a loser, that I am a winner. Thank you for this giveaway!! Wish you all the very best
  3. Yeah, actually mega scizor should be damaged normally by thunder and ground moves, it should be resistant to ice moves. Staff should do something about this
  4. Yeah, actually mega scizor should be damaged normally by thunder and ground moves, it should be resistant to ice moves. So it maybe a bug
  5. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: Ayukura Friendliest: Olafkun Funniest: GonGon Coolest: PharaoMage Comeback Player of the Year: Most Talkative:- GonGon Most Trustworthy: Olafkun Most Helpful: Psycho427 Most Missed: Vigneshwin1000 Most Influential: YukiTsuki Most Intriguing: Onkar STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Suhuzen Best CC: Calahan Best MOD:Letrix Best CS: Artoriel Best Artist: sirmeowington Best Mapper: Tiggus Most Professional Staff: Letrix Most Friendly Staff: Sugar Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac ( Special mentions:- Sugar and Noisia) Most Honorable Former Staff: Thor or 9oomy Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy!!!
  6. Re: Hello everyone <t>My favorite Pokemon is Lugia. Not only because it's strong, but even if it's thrashed down, it never gives up but again comes back and fights. It fights for it's child, no matter how much it's attacked by others. It will not leave the one, who harms it's child. I like it very much.<br/> I want to win because I don't have enough strong Pokemons with me and I don't have even one shiny except a shiny rattata. So, I hope your Pokemons will help me <br/> For Christmas, I wish only three things:-<br/> 1)Happiness for me<br/> 2) Happiness for others<br/> 3) Good health to everyone in the world. <br/> I like seeing everyone happy and healthy. So these are my special wishes <br/> My best friend in PRO is Psycho427 as no matter what, he helps me. Even though he didn't have enough money when I asked him one day as I needed money urgently. He gave it to me and I respect him very much. <br/> <br/> <br/> Thank you!!!</t>
  7. I hope you return soon. Gl with everything
  8. She has a cool down time. She will battle after cool down time is over
  9. Can you invite me in-game? @elyaskhan
  10. Server was down. It's up now and welcome to pro. So, here is a guide for you, so you can easily finish Kanto story. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=45040 Here is the link of PRO's official wiki https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Main_Page I wish you all the very best
  11. It would be really helpful if anyone can send a direct link of the images, so I can post them here directly. I still can figure out how to post images here directly
  12. For a first try, it's really a good one
  13. Hey guys, this is a small guide which will teach you to create a server in discord. I hope this helps you ☺
  14. Maybe they'll fix it soon, as the staff said there are a bunch of things to be fixed
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