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Everything posted by Grandwarden

  1. Bye bro! Be back soon and Good luck for your exams :y:
  2. Hey nice guy! I guess you're not new :Heart-eyes: Merry Christmas
  3. Hey! Now you can catch it a second time. Talk to Shamac Claus at Cyfrost town, he will help you. :y: Good luck and Merry Christmas
  4. Unlucky, you can buy a reroll ticket for pvp coins
  5. Thanks to everyone who participated in this event. The registrations are now closed. The winners will be announced on 31st. :thanks:
  6. You can fight with it only one time
  7. There's already a guild ladder. But not a bad idea +1
  8. Welcome to PRO. Enjoy your stay here. Here is the link of PRO's game guide. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=89
  9. Re: The New Year Fight :D <t>Good luck to all :)</t>
  10. Will miss you Lucareus. Take care. All the best with everything in life. :y:
  11. Report him here : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=70&sid=ac932fda5cabd9299c2ab372c8bd9b80 Here is a guide on how to report: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=43229 Have a good day
  12. Check out this guide :Smile: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=89
  13. Bienvenido :)
  14. This isn't true. Staff can recover w/out screenshots. It's harder, but possible. I am not 100% sure if they will recover without any evidence. I told you as I have seen some cases like you who have released their Pokemon and wanted it back with any screenshots. After that, staff had said that they can't help without proof. I guess they will be able to do something if you know the Pokemon's ID.
  15. First, make sure you have posted here with good evidence of the incident. If you don't have screenshots, I am afraid that the staff cant help you. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=70075 If you done that, wait for a staff to see that. Good luck
  16. What did she say?
  17. Welcome to the game John :Smile:
  18. Hey!! Enjoy your journey as a moderator. Good luck :Smile:
  19. Hey!! Welcome to pro :Smile: If you play on yellow server, never hesitate to pm me for help. Here is the official PRO's game guide which will help you in-game. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=89. Good luck for your journey
  20. Which antivirus software is yours?
  21. Good luck with the guild
  22. You have the permission to lock this thread. If you have a question, never hesitate to ask here.
  23. Maybe you accidentally chose different server. If you unsatisfied with your appearance, you have 3 options. 1) Create a new account and start over If you want to play in the server that you are currently playing 2) Buy a magic mirror, which is bought using PvP coins. You can change your appearance using it. 3) Start over on a different server in the same account. Good luck
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