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Everything posted by Grandwarden

  1. Did you open the presents after 28th December? If yes, then this is normal. As the blue frozen pokeball is only available till 15th January for those who opened the presents before 28th December.
  2. Don't ask server status here
  3. He's not the member of Elite 4.Looks like you went to berry tower. Go to e4 through victory road, by heading towards west of viridian. Good luck :Smile:
  4. -1. I would say PRO is not dead yet. On yellow, I see people are selling things for fighting price, but some buy it. People still buy shiny andxmas for high price. I guess new pokemons are not needed, but let's see. Good luck and have a good day :Smile:
  5. Good luck in finding a guild :Smile: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=35
  6. So, did you delete it? If you deleted it mistakenly , make sure you have a screenshot evidence and then post it here. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=70075 Google translate:- così, l'hai cancellato? Se l'hai cancellato per errore, assicurati di avere una prova di screenshot e poi pubblicala qui. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=70075 An admin will restore it. Good luck and happy new year in advance
  7. Pretty painful ,to be honest. Feel bad for you. But let's see how 2018 will be :Smile:
  8. Make sure you have a screenshot evidence of the incident (or) Make sure you know the ID of the Pokemon. If you have an evidence post it here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=70075
  9. Nice guide>3
  10. +1. I agree with you
  11. For the surf Pokemon, I recommend you to either ask someone to give you a poke with surf or get a surf mount. Also, you can catch a water Pokemon at union cave with a rod. You don't need rock smash in that cave to continue your story. Good luck.
  12. Hey all! Today, I was checking out the mapping showcase of PRO's fellow players. Suddenly I came across a map called Riverwood town. By that, I remember the story I had wrote few weeks ago. So, now I am sharing the story if Legerwoud town with you all [glow=red]Introduction:-[/glow] Legerwoud town has the official Legerwoud gym, which is the last gym of the 8th region of pokemons, Zelo region. So the story goes like:- After finishing the seven gyms of Zelo region, we go to Legerwoud town through Legends lake. First, we go to the gym's entrance. We try to enter the gym, but an old man blocks our way and says: Old man:- The gym leader has went to the maze in Legerwoud forest in search of his lost pokemon. You can go there by heading towards the west of this city. So, we go to Legerwoud forest. There we battle some battle NPCs and we can also catch mons there. Then, we enter the maze. The maze doesn't have any battles NPCs and pokemons don't spawn there but we can buy the TM darkpulse from an NPC for 5k. Afterward we find the gym leader SUHUZEN in the maze. He tell us:- Suhuzen: I have come here in search of my Excadrill. It ran away somewhere yesterday night. Can you help me to search it? Player:- Yes, sure Suhuzen: Good, please search it in Legerwoud forest. [glow=red]We head towards Legerwoud forest in search of Excadrill ( It will be in random places in the forest for each player). Then, we find it and think[/glow] Player:- I think I should take this to Suhuzen. Let's go Excadrill!! We then go to the maze and talk to Suhuzen. Suhuzen: Excadrill!! Thank you so much "user name" for finding my beloved Excadrill. But why did it ran away, maybe I should go to Prof. Alan's lab and use his Pokemon translator. We get teleported to Prof. Alan's lab in Legerwoud town. There Suhuzen asks the professor. Suhuzen:- Prof. Alan, yesterday my Excadrill ran away from me while I was sleeping. Now, this brave kid "username" found it for me. Can I use your Pokemon translator to talk with my Excadrill? Prof.Alan:- Sure Suhuzen, take this. Go ahead and use it. Make your Excadrill hold this. Suhuzen makes his Excadrill hold it and asks Suhuzen: Excadrill, please tell me the reason that why you ran away last night. Excadrill:- Master Suhuzen, actually, yesterday while you were sleeping, some bad guys came to our house to steal. I saw them and attacked them and chased them away till Legerwoud forest. Suddenly, more bad guys came and tied me with a rope. I was unable to move. The rope was so tight that it took me whole night to break it. After I broke it, I was lost. I didn't know the way to return back. Then "username" helped me. Suhuzen: What?! Thank you so much Exca! Because of you, I was saved. Those bad guys must've been the members of Team Prozer. Oh yeah! "Username", you are very brave. Please help this city to get rid of those bad guys. You will be able to go to their base by using the elevator in the pokemart. Please help us. Also, they have made many people of this city as prisoners, also release them. Player : Sure, I would help. Let me go and check their base!! We then go to their base and battle many NPCs. Then at last we enter a door. There, we find a big jail with a jailer. We battle the jailer and defeat him. After defeating him, we talk to one of the prisoners who tells us the way to the room of Team Prozer's boss. We go to the room as guided by him. There we defeat the boss and get a sylevon abandoned by the boss. Then, we again talk to that prisoner and he thanks us and says that he is the owner of the pokemart and was put into jail by Team prozer 's boss as he wanted to created their base there. Then all the prisoners return to their home. Then we talk to Suhuzen,he also thanks us and tells us to meet him at the gym. We now, enter the gym and solve a maze and battle Suhuzen and claim the Legend Badge. After we claim the legend badge, our name in-game will appear in red instead of white. Thank you everyone, be sure to comment on this
  13. Wish you luck there but kitten>puppy Puppy>kitten. Everyone has different views on that
  14. I have many:- Related to PRO:- 1) Like you, hunt more, train less 2) Finish every boss ingame 3) Post 999 posts and be a legend 4) Finish the dex 5) Have 500 in-game hours 6) Create a map without any mistakes Non related to pro :- 1) Write an epic 2) Be the CEO of my company 3) Work harder 4) Get a puppy Most of them are not going to happen in 2k18 but they'll happen in the future
  15. Yeah, like darkrai, it will also get banned maybe
  16. Is regice banned?
  17. Its completely the game of luck
  18. Hey there! I hope you all are enjoying your holidays. Today, I just wrote a small quest just for fun. It would be wonderful if you review my quest. So here it goes. [glow=red] Requirements:- [/glow] Hoenn champ and 50 in game hours. [glow=red]Quest:[/glow] To start the quest, we have to go to route 126 in Hoenn. There, we have to talk to an NPC named Lecron. He will tell us:- Lecron: Hey "username"! Looks like you're an experienced trainer. I need your help mate. Can you help me? Then, we will have two options. The first one is :- 1) "Yes, sure. I will help you. Tell me more about your problem" Or 2) "No friend. I am busy right now." [glow=red]If we choose the second option he will say. [/glow] Lecron: Oh! Is it so? No problem. [glow=red]If we choose the first option[/glow] Lecron:- Thank you mate! Actually, I am from Typhorn city. A bad gang called "Team Litzerg" stole the world's most precious Pokemon fossil from our city museum. A divine light would come out from that fossil, which would bring happiness and wealth to our city. But now, as it's gone, everyone is sad and their pokemons are getting sick. I will take you to my city, come with me. [glow=red]Then, he will transport us to Typhorn city. There he will tell us:- [/glow] Lecron- This is my city. The officer of our city is investigating about the case. You may go and meet him at Dungren's cave. To go there, head north from this city. I will call officer Cydney and tell him that you are coming to meet him. [glow=red]Then, we head to north of Typhorn city. Now, we will be at Dungren's cave entrance. We will battle few trainers here and will be able to catch pokemons on this map. Then after battling few trainers, we will reach the entrance of Dungren's cave. Now, after we enter it, we have to find the officer. After we find him he will tell us [/glow] Officer Cydney: Hey ! I am officer Cydney. You were sent by Lecron right? So, I will tell you more about Team Litzerg. Team Litzerg was formed by an evil scientist called Phoeba. He is the leader of that gang. They have been troubling many cities for years and now they stole the fossil from our city museum. I need your help in catching them. Phoeba's friend Eonda is a flora in our neighboring city named Asuela city. I need you to go and catch him as he may reveal something. Also, he has caught my friend Officer Jenna. Please also bring her back. Asuela city is on West of Typhorn city. Good luck in beating Eonda. [glow=red]Then, we head towards Asuela city.In between, we battle few trainers and then we reach Asuela city. There we go inside the flower shop. There we find Eonda who has captured Officer Jenna. Then, we go and talk to Eonda. He tells us:- [/glow] Eonda:- Ah! Maybe you are the one sent by the officer Cydney to catch me. Ha-ha. How can a kid defeat me? Ha-ha. Kid, get ready to be crushed. I challenge you for a battle! [glow=red]Then, we battle him. After we defeat him. He will tell us:- [/glow] Eonda:- How can I be defeated by a kid?? Hmm. Never mind. Now I am going to flyyyyyyyyyy. He then escapes from there. Then, we talk to Officer Jenna and she tells us:- Officer Jenna:- Thank you so much. I have to investigate more about this gang. Meanwhile, go and talk to my friend officer Cydney. We then go and talk to Officer Cydney. Officer Cydney:- Thank you so much! Jenna called me and said that you released her from that Eonda. I am very thankful. What?? He escaped from there? Let's think about that later. I heard that Scientist Jake knows something important about Team Litzerg. Go and talk to him at Typhorn city. Then, we go and talk to Scientist Jake at Typhorn. Scientist Jake : Hey there!! I heard you're very brave. So, you're the right person to do this task . Actually , the evil leader of Team Litzerg , Phoeba, has created his team's base underwater of Lake Duise. You can go there through there by heading towards the south of this city. Only the team member can enter the base. They carry a special device called Phoeban with them which gives access to them to their base. At last I have found out , how to create Phoeban and I have created one. Please take this and go to their base. Then, we head towards Lake Duise . While going towards it, a Noivern blocks our way. So, clueless we go and talk to the Scientist . Player:- While I was heading towards the lake. A Noivern blocked my way Scientist jake :That must the guard of their base. Do one thing , battle it. After you battle it. Give it this chemical and it will sleep. Also take this remote. If you defeat Phoeba, press the red button on this remote Then he hands over us, a remote and a strange chemical which puts pokemon into sleep. We then go and interact with Noivern . Now , it battles us. After we defeat it, we make it drink the chemical and it sleeps and goes away from there. Then in Lake Duise, we find the dive spot, now a reading will come that You get access to Team Litzerg base as you have Phoeban [glow=red]Then we enter their base and then fight with many team members. At last we find Phoeba after we solve a maze in their base. Phoeba will tell us[/glow] Phoeba:- Oh "username", so you made it till here? Ok, so now, be ready to cry kid. As the fossil is mine forever. [glow=red]Now he battles us. After we defeat him. He will tell us[/glow] Phoeba : Ah! I can't believe this. Eodan was weak, but me? But still, I will not give you the fossil. Ha-Ha. [glow=red]We then think that [/glow] Player:- Maybe, I should press the red button of the remote give to me by Scientist jake. After we press it, Scientist comes there with officer Jenna and Sydney and Officer Jenna says Officer Jenna:- Now you can't escape Phoeba. Thank you very much "username". Without your help , we could never catch this evil gang. Also, while I was investigating in Auslea. I found out that Phoeba had created an invention called Stelo from which he caught strong pokemons in wild. Now I give it to you. Make the first Pokemon in your team to hold it and you will encounter pokemons which have one max IV, and remember , that Stelo will disappear after 12 days. Thank you very much again [glow=red]Then , we go to Typhorn and talk to Lecron[/glow] Lecron:- Hey ! I heard about your brave act. Thank you very much. Actually , I am the mayor of this city. As rewards, I give you these [glow=red]Then he will give us, police clothes,Glaceon mount and a master all.[/glow] Then, Lecron: I think you're homesick , lets go to your hometown. Then, he will take us to pallet town and will tell Lecron:Thank you so much! Bye bye. See you again. Note: None of the NPCs have cool down including Noivern. If you want to catch the pokemons of the quest's map, first catch them and once you think that you wanna leave the map. Go and talk to Lecron and claim your rewards and head to pallet town Thank you guys, Please comment on this. I just made this for fun
  19. Hey everybody! I hope you all are enjoying your holidays. I have a problem with discord. Actually, my internet is working fine. But when I open discord, it says it's connecting, but it doesn't connect and shows me the page of 4 hours back. I would like to know the cause of my problem
  20. As Carolito said, as soon as an exclamatory mark appears on top of the head of the grunt, log out. Then, again log in and move forward
  21. Hey there! If you have already opened the presents, you can catch regice till 15th January. The frozen pokeball will be normal once you defeat boss Kaguya and you will be able to catch regice. Good luck
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