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About Kamaleshkl

  • Birthday 12/10/2002

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. congrats! you won the auction. are you available to come online right now?
  2. C.o 1.6m, 1 hr 43 mins left!!!
  3. co 1.503m, 10 hours left..
  4. S.O 1K MINIMUM BID 1K NO INSTA 48 HOURS AFTER START Good luck bidding
  5. Username: kamaleshkl Server: silver Country/Timezone: GMT 5:30+
  6. Player name: kamaleshkl Server: silver Timezone: GMT +5:30 Rank on ladder: 15
  7. Ohh i think that is the scizor im looking for.. i only remember that its implish noting else its been long.. gitu isnt active so by any chance i can get it back?
  8. So basically i had a implish scizor long back which is not in my acc.. so can i know where it is?
  9. Wtb careful and implish hippo. Can you do both for 170? Text me on discord KamaleshOP#6130
  10. Wtb implish h.a gible 80k
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