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About Nihk

  • Birthday 05/05/1995

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  1. I am surprised it took only 2 years to get there, 45 seconds is enough time to think about ur play!
  2. Current Name: Nihk Change into: Nick Payment Server: Silver
  3. i would like to play a tournament in pro but i do not want to record and upload every game
  4. 1.1 million
  5. and pvp getting worse and worse, now it will be even more tank heavy :(
  6. hey all, will dugtrio getting banned in the next pvp season?
  7. what a **** quest to get heatran !!!
  8. hey guys i wanna sell my sableye
  9. Hey there :Grin: WTS Adamant Poison Heal Gliscor picture: https://imgur.com/a/63sVj Start bid 1 million
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