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Everything posted by Black

  1. i know, don't worry, i saw the replies in the threads i was merely hoping you could bump this in case they had forgotten about how big and annoying this bug actually is
  2. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/178524-i-lost-72-raiting-after-getting-disconnected/page/2/#comments https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/179705-extra-loses-on-disconnection/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/179331-lost-rating/ what's explained in the threads above just now happened to me, i hope this is HIGH PRIO for the devs game isn't really enjoyable if there is a chance i can dc everytime i enter the queue and lose over 40 rating hef a gud dee
  3. Welcome! Enjoy your stay.
  4. Added a Jenexine section
  5. Ign: Black Server: Silver Timezone: GMT +2
  6. Bump! Looking for active PvP players! ^.^
  7. Added a lot of nice event pokemon under McSchitter's section, check it out.
  8. Black


    charichu can bring worldpeace
  9. Of course, go ahead. My ID is Black#2133.
  10. updated, added a larvesta and 2 cutiefly's under my own section as well
  11. Could you please add a picture of your trainer card so we know you meet the requirements? Including the rating req upon applying. Looking forward to hear from you.
  12. Hey you've been accepted, but I can't find you on discord with the provided ID. Could you dm me instead? Black#2133 is my ID.
  13. welcome to the game! hope you enjoy it. what is your favourite anime if I may ask?
  14. will contact you today in discord
  15. your guide was good help, thank you
  16. hey, welcome back to the game ^.^
  17. my reasoning to say no prio was obviously because I feel like there is more important stuff to do, as you can see in my post I never said players should be satisfied with the current car animation :^)
  18. I dislike the car animation as well when you use it, I am sure some more time could've been put into the animation to make it look a little more smooth not really high prio for me, but understandable some players aren't happy with the current animation when you are paying 500 pve coins for it
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