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Everything posted by Dohko

  1. is focus punch bugged? If I recall correctly it should have the pokemon focus first then hit on the next turn with decreased priority. However a breloom used thre focus punch without having to "charge" on either of those.
  2. looking for a couple people interested in pvp but also accepting anyone as always xd
  3. bump passing by :Cool:
  4. still recruiting, feel free to post here or pm me if you have questions.
  5. sure thing. Besides we can help you out finishing all regions if you havent already.
  6. friendly bump :Grin:
  7. welcome bud :y:
  8. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [PVP based] *Recruiting <r>just passing by to bump <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  9. Kabuto: BO: Tyrunt1: BO: Tyrunt2: BO:
  10. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [PVP based] *Recruiting <t>duplicate ignore this</t>
  11. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [Competitive/Open] *Recruiting <t>just a bump xd</t>
  12. Hi, I just made a guild which will be focused in competitive battling with the intention of organizing guild and open events in the future. If interested let me know but feel free to chose any guild you want. cheers
  13. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [Competitive/Open] *Recruiting <r><QUOTE author="SugarRed9"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks a lot!</r>
  14. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [Competitive/Open] *Recruiting <r><QUOTE author="Lidberg"><s> </e></QUOTE> welcome <E>:y:</E></r>
  15. well if he offers 40k i up to 45k and take my chances
  16. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [Competitive/Open] *Recruiting <r><QUOTE author="TatsumiChan"><s> </e></QUOTE> thanks, and bump xd</r>
  17. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [Competitive/Open] *Recruiting <t>duplicate post</t>
  18. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [Competitive/Open] *Recruiting <r><QUOTE author="thejollypear"><s> </e></QUOTE> thanks xd</r>
  19. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [Competitive/Open] *Recruiting <r><QUOTE author="LightDawnx"><s> </e></QUOTE> check pm</r>
  20. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [Competitive/Open] *Recruiting <t>reserved1</t>
  21. Re: Eternal Legends - [Red] [Competitive/Open] *Recruiting <r>[align=center]<SIZE size="200"><s></s><GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>PVP Section<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e></e></SIZE>[/align]<br/> [align=center]<IMG src="https://i66.tinypic.com/aorr6h.jpg"><s></e></IMG>[/align]<br/> <br/> ***In progress</r>
  22. [glow=red]***[/glow]Just a reminder that this guild is for the [glow=red]Red Server[/glow] Hi everyone! I decided to make this guild with one main purpose and that is to turn it into a guild with some of the strongest PVP battlers on the red server. But anyone is invited to join as I plan on having a small but friendly guild in which we can help each other in what ever it is that we need/want in PRO. I know its a long way to go but eventually I want to be able to organize guild and open events in the long run and it would be a plus to have people wanting to help and contribute to such events.
  23. What if your mew has cancer? :Grin: I honestly wouldn't risk it like that but it can be pretty good. -I will also add the need for certain pvp items such as life orb and abilities like magic guard and hustle to work. Those alone will cripple stall/wall users.
  24. they NERF it recently i believe, ya its pretty retarded when confuse always last for 1 turn & rarely last for 2 turn, never seen 4 turn confuse since the NERF. When they should randomly last for 1-4 turn. they not work as original version now :Ambivalent: true but this way is better than having it last 4 turns and the pokemon hitting itself every time. After all confuse ray is a gamble and unless they fix it completely then it's not bad for now.
  25. Also to add on to this: In pro the confusion status lasts all 3 turns. But in the handhelds, there is a chance the confusion status to last for 1-4 turns. Because the confusion status is different in pro, we are seeing it dominate the meta and becoming oppressive to play against because people are abusing it. You are seeing things that don't traditionally run or do well with confusion moves run them to take advantage of this. The enemy having a chance of 1-4 turns is a lot more fair than always getting 3 turns for free. I'd like to request that staff please look into this. :thanks: link for refrence~~~~~~ https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Status_condition#Confusion yeah, being paralyzed 3-4 turns every time is annoying.
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