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Everything posted by Dohko

  1. BO: 1.5m Instant: 2.3m Accept trades involving shinies also
  2. Re: Selling epic Volcarona(modest) <r><QUOTE author="Halvsover"><s> </e></QUOTE> Will add a deadline soon, any questions pm me</r>
  3. trade is closed
  4. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Boss Cooldown Checker 13/11/16] <t>lance gave me an axew</t>
  5. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>I would like to register<br/> Server: Red<br/> Timezone GMT-8:00<br/> Trainer card:<br/> <IMG src="https://i67.tinypic.com/2qjdhuh.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  6. I thought the release of life orb would level the playing field in terms of styles but so far it looks like I was wrong. Not to mention the use of tank clefables are on the rise. There is no way to approach this issue without being unfair but I think that, as someone mentioned here, the use of blissey and a regenerator should be banned as these people tend to also have a few more walls apart from those two pokes. Just a thought.
  7. Re: defiant pawniard good ivs(Instant added) <r><QUOTE author="Gambilicious"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'll be online in a few minutes</r>
  8. Re: defiant pawniard good ivs(Instant added) <t>a little more than an hour left</t>
  9. Re: defiant pawniard good ivs(Instant added) <t>Added instant</t>
  10. Re: Bo super epic Sceptile 48 hour <t>800k on it</t>
  11. Re: selling defiant pawniard good ivs <r><QUOTE author="mawtygaming"><s> </e></QUOTE> Bo mate, I will end it this sunday since im busy saturday. Instant will be added saturday.</r>
  12. just have a quick question, I'm guessing pokemon like magmar are to not be used because of their baby forms right?
  13. BO:500k Instant: 650k Auction ends Sunday at 10pm GMT.
  14. I'll join too :y: seems like a fun tournament
  15. Re: WTS BOLD EPIC BUDEW ALL 20+ IVS <t>300k for dat poke</t>
  16. Re: Selling epic scyther(tech+adam) 21+ all(auction ends soon!) <t>sold, thanks all</t>
  17. As the title says, I have epic pokes for trade as well as money and MS/mounts
  18. Re: Selling epic scyther(tech+adam) 21+ all <r><IMG src="https://i66.tinypic.com/1z71y6e.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> auction ends Thursday at around the same time from this post.</r>
  19. Re: Selling epic scyther(tech+adam) 21+ all <r>new bo is 700k<br/> <IMG src="https://i65.tinypic.com/2q18hdv.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  20. Re: Selling epic scyther(tech+adam) 21+ all <t>will add instant in about a day</t>
  21. Re: Selling epic scyther(tech+adam) 21+ all <r><QUOTE author="halvoure"><s> </e></QUOTE> no instant yet</r>
  22. BO: 900k Instant: 1.8m Auction to end Thursday/Friday night MS = 800k Rules: bids in increments of 25k minimum please
  23. Re: ▲INFERNO BLAZE▲ ⎪ The first Guild in PRO ⎪ Red Server ⎪ International Guild - NOW RECRUITING!! <r>1. What is your nickname in PRO? Dohko<br/> 2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? Favorite type is fire, favorite pokemon dragonite b/c why not lol<br/> 3. What is your final objective in PRO? To be one of the top battlers in the game since all I do is battle mostly<br/> 4. How many hours did you play on Red? 1751 hrs<br/> 5. Why did you choose Blaze especially b/c there is no cycx here XD and b/c I know this guild is pretty awesome since back in the day <E>:y:</E></r>
  24. I was sure I made it to the top 25 just before they ended the season so just wondering if anyone else has received their rewards yet. Cheers
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