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Everything posted by Algerie31

  1. hello all; please add a cooldown below when we put the arrow on these icon (ms/bm/exeb/..) a cooldown (time left) to show us how days or hours and minutes longs stay even more a timer too kind regards.
  2. c.o 180k by @GeoMine auction end in less than 02 days
  3. c.o 155k by @Saturnalien auction begin when i will be unbaned ingame chat trade (72h) to announce in chat the c.o
  4. iam cuurently chat mute ingame for 10 days after commenting in chat trade so you have to wait
  5. please make new pic bcz this one are too old and not published
  6. i have an idea to add a button in option to hide player (name and bodies) to see the map and object (eg= dig area/item ...) which were hided by players
  7. hi all ; i would like that you add a shop (pokemart valley of steal (east/ west) ) because we need it to buy item as super repel for example so we have not to quit the valley to do repel trick if it finish best wishes ,algerie31
  8. i want you take a look to money gained because battelling a high level and getting 20 pokedollars is not fair
  9. Open a new account and you will have a reset account
  10. please fix staffview it not work properly after last update
  11. hello all, What's your IGN? algerie31 How many hours do you have in PRO? 4036 What is your discord ID? algerie31#5698 How far are you in story? all region ok How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) much time +10 hrs a day sometimes Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? i enjoy both Have you ever been banned in game and why? yes i was banned bcz of deplorable behaviour (i have insult staff) and they unban me because i was sry & i have told them that i will change and never repeat it Why do you want to join Calamity guild? i this guild i see it is what i was looking for and i hope i will find a family to have advice and more confort to enjoy the game.. Best wishes,
  12. Welcome to my auction everyone :) PRO IGN: algerie31 wts s.o 900k min pid 100k, Accepting CC as 380K pokedollars. Auction Ends 72 hours after Auction starts.
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