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Everything posted by Algerie31

  1. there are many indoor area where we can use mount
  2. as if making mount ride in pro map will kill the game or its economy wtf
  3. as said i have right to redo story and battle any trainers in pro map and using a mount is the right of every ppl
  4. hi all; please permit mount use in team galactic HQ building (veilstone city -sinnoh) bcz players got bored of walking even i had made sinnoh history but i need it to level up my mones by redoing all region story and battle trainers
  5. start 100 m (gold server) ingame name = algerie31
  6. start auction 100 m (gold server) ingame name = algerie31
  7. ty for making it free as announced even you had not marked my suggestion as implented -_-
  8. ty for your answer i have already made a trade with that user "miyamura" and take 3 cc's + 500k to composiate the fake trade
  9. the guy didn't take it & iam reporting him
  10. [Poke6]c.o 1m750k by regett /Min bid250k / insta 5m/ 10 hours left. check forum or pm me Thanks (accept cc /reroll)
  11. c.o 1m500k by miyamura /Minimum raise250k / insta 5m/ Auction end 13 hours . check forum or pm me Thanks(accept cc /reroll)
  12. c.o is 1m250k by k3gami Minimum raise is 250k insta is 5m Auction will end 24 hours .
  13. c.o is 1m Minimum raise is 250k insta is 5m Auction will end 24 hours from my acknowledgement of first bid. Accept cc = 420k reroll tickets 750k . Thanks
  14. where are they hidden at least make a guide
  15. this is the worst xmass event in pro history bad in all thing we get bored of it
  16. this post is made before evergreen island appears -1
  17. -1 for your bad idea
  18. i know and already in but iwas speaking about repel trick
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