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  1. I think that Hoenn and Sinnoh came after the initial release
  2. NPC Name: John Dialogue: My cat Garmfielf is stuffing his face as usual...
  3. Then we could just add an option so the player can choose if they want other players to spectate their battles or not. Its a pretty bad idea as long as the game dont make the opponents anonymous, im sick of seeing ppl taking notes on opponents teams Having the choice to spectate is something unpopular to do due to these defects the game have Then we could an option when only our friends can spectate our battles. Any arguments ?
  4. Then we could just add an option so the player can choose if they want other players to spectate their battles or not.
  5. We can already see other people's teams by right clicking on them and selecting "Inspect" so that's not a good argument.
  6. It would be great to spectate other people's battles in the map when we right click on them.
  7. NPC Name: CJ/ Carl Johnson NPC Dialogue: After five years on the East Coast, it was time to go home... NPC Lose Battle: All I had to do, was to beat your Pokemon....
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