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Everything posted by Pomelos

  1. ohh yes, abra summer
  2. hi, i would like to buy: Psyduck san valentine Natu x2 San valentine Pikachu easter Glameow xmas Swinub x2 xmas Zubat xmas
  3. hi, i want hallow abra x3
  4. on now, in vermilion.
  5. price for togetic lv 100 and togepi easter
  6. i offer 1m
  7. i want togepi hallow 650k
  8. Hell is empty, all the demons are here.
  9. For this reason, I offered 17:24, it was the last one, so it extends from there. we'll see what they say
  10. If my calculations are not wrong, since the last offer was 17:24, and due to the 15-minute rule, it would end at 17:39, but I will wait for a mod to verify.
  11. 2 m 950k
  12. 15 minutes since my last post, is it over? or 4 min left?
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