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Everything posted by Theusername

  1. Simple rules. You can contact me in Discord ; " Theusername#8554 " , in Game ; " Theusername " I accept Coin Capsules for 240k All pokemons have their prices but I am open for negotiate Fake offers= Report Cofagrigus = 800 K Leafeon = 425 K Mantine = 900 K Nidoking = 1.2 M Snorlax = 1.5 M Azumarill = 650 K Arcanine = 450 K Umbreon= 1.5 M Snorlax = 500 K
  2. Gyarados sold. Victreebel is still available.
  3. Everything is clear I am looking for this prices. We can negotiate. Discord; Theusername#8554 İn the game; Theusername Victreebel = 400 K
  4. SOLD. Can be closed , thank you.
  5. I am looking for 1.5m Discord ; Theusername#8554 Feel free for offer
  6. ● What's your Name/IGN? - Theusername. ● Are you active in Discord? - Yes. ● Where are you from? - Turkey. ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? - 1171 hours. At least one hour every day. More at weekends. ● What's your goal in PRO? - Having fun and collecting pokemons. ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? - Chaos seems very organized and cool guild and I want to be a part of it. ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? - Hard choice. If I must choose only one I would say Ninetales. It is a noble pokemon. ● What's your favorite animal and why? - Gray Wolf. I am Turk.
  7. Nice work :Grin:
  8. Re: 2 x Jolly 31 speed Excadrill / Drilbur <t>Drilbur sold to An1ma</t>
  9. Re: 2 x Jolly 31 speed Excadrill / Drilbur <r>bump <E>:y:</E></r>
  10. Re: 2 x Jolly 31 speed Excadrill / Drilbur <r><QUOTE author="koukoubill"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Need money bro <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  11. Hi ! I am selling this two pokemon.There are some simple rules ; -I am looking for serious offers .Minimum 100k from previous offer. -I can take back my pokemons if offers are not good enough. -Auction will start with 4m for Drilbur with 1.5m for Excadrill Instant price= 6m Instant price= 3m Have a nice day ! :Grin:
  12. Thank you mate .!.Have a nice day :))
  13. [glow=red]Welcome to Theusername's Shop[/glow] :Grin: [glow=red]I will update my shop oftenly also frequency of updating depends on pokemons what i get or caught.[/glow] :Smile: [glow=red]I set instant prices, but we can also negotiate about prices.[/glow] [glow=yellow]SHOWCASE[/glow] [glow=green]Normal Pokemons[/glow] 500k 500k 400k 400k [glow=green]Shiny Pokemons[/glow]
  14. I searched forum a little bit, the only solutioun is waiting next reboot unfortunately... I am sorry for trouble :Angel:
  15. Same problem here in red server
  16. Hi First of all I am not sure about true place for reporting.If I had mistake forgive me. I have a problem about loging in to game. I cant log in. I tried everything but nothing changed. Here is a screenshoot about my problem; https://prnt.sc/dv93kx Thank you in advance. Have a nice day
  17. Re: The Gathering [Red Server] Now Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="Fadoka"><s> </e></QUOTE> gratz bro <E>:y:</E></r>
  18. Name : Theusername (best name in da server :P) Hours in game : 321 hours I want to say Hi to my malakaaaaaaaaaaa lmao
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