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Everything posted by Theusername

  1. Hello, I want to sell my Grimer Alolan and Hp Fire Bulbasaur with auction. Minimum increase = 100 K (fair enough) I accept coin capsule =400 K (normal market price) Auction starts from 3m and it will finish 3 days later for grimer alolan. The Countdown (3 days) starts with the first offer. Im looking for 5m insta price for Grimer Alolan. My discord ID = theusername#8554 . You can pm me whenever you want. Grimer Alolan ivs = 30-26-21-24-31-20 Auction starts from 1m and it will finish 3 days later. The Countdown (3 days) starts with the first offer. Im looking for 2.5m insta price for hp fire Bulbasaur. Feel free to offer. Have a nice day,
  2. Tangela is sold to you, thank you very much.
  3. Hello @GraveWalkerr , I added prices. If you can increase your offer, we can deal. Have a nice day.
  4. Hi, thank you for your offers but i am looking for more Have a nice day
  5. Sold pokes are removed New pokes are added
  6. Bold Rotom (21-29-13-11-27-29) sold Calm Rotom (26-31-21-22-17-28) sold Sassy Tyranitar (27-21-24-10-23-30) sold Bold Pelipper (26-25-30-30-30-18) sold Modest Ludicolo (17-28-23-29-29-31) sold Ada Conkeldurr (23-06-28-13-28-28) sold Ada Muk Alolan (31-26-15-19-18-30) sold Sassy Hp Ice Tangela (24-10-03-27-21-21) sold Naive HP Ice Rotom (30-16-27-31-07-26) sold Bold Pelipper (16-25-24-23-27-23) sold Jolly Toxicroak (21-23-31-14-03-27) sold Bold Pelipper (13-29-05-25-29-30) sold Modest Kingdra (22-11-31-24-23-15) traded Modest Kingdra (02-13-31-31-18-29) sold Impish Skarmory (21-31-04-21-18-23) sold
  7. Hey! How you doing? I am selling some pokemons. Read the rules and click the spoiler. RULES There wont be any auction. Offer fair and take the pokemon what you want. I am reasonable man, we can negotiate. Prices are added. PAYMENT OPTIONS Pokedollars have the priority Coin Capsule = 400 k CONTACT Game nickname = Theusername Discord ID = Theusername#8554 (You can send message any time. 24 hours online) Pokemons ; Thanks for visit.
  8. Ok thx, i caught 30 spd one gl on selling
  9. Hello, Machamp 150 K
  10. It is sold. Can be close Thank you.
  11. Yes i didnt accept, if you increase your offer we can deal. But thank you anyway. Good luck on wish list
  12. Hey, I saw your wish list. High tier pokemons.
  13. Helloo, I want to sell my Chansey. ( Ivs; ATK=09, DEF=29, SPD=25, SPATAK=05, SPDEF=30, HP=30) Price is 7m. I dont like auctions, so there wont be any auction. Im reasoneable guy, we can negotiate. (Dont worry about attack moves, they are easy to change) Game Nickname = Theusername Discord ID = Theusername#8554 Have fun,
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