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- Birthday 04/25/1994
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It's always the same. The quests, despite python being now supported, still aren't in any way more interesting or developed ; if anything, the amount of work put into them is significantly lesser, leading to even worse stuff than what used to be done in the earlier days of the game with bigger restrictions. It's always the same requirements: regional champion (once again, why Sinnoh, for Kanto's legendaries?), required set evolution data (that will eventually get reduced down like all others end up being because every single time, people complain about it, yet every single time, it's thrown in unthinkingly as a requirement), show a freshly caught pokémon (every quest except Sinnoh's reporter), and give items. Mew's quest, that was done in 2014 or 2015, had those exact same types of requirements already, so this is a bland copy paste with tweaked values in the code. Then, once the quest actually starts, it's mostly going around the map for the sake of twisted satisfaction seeing people losing their patience. For instance, for Manaphy, it was: Go to Lilycove, Go to Eumi Island, Go to New Mauville, Go to Lilycove, Go to New Mauville, Go to Eumi Island. Along that, every single NPC in the Captain's ship had the very same bland, soulless, uninspired, one-line dialogue ; then, half of the NPCs who had more than that one line had typos in them (see my report here). -[/hr] Back in our days, we would make official announcements for events, like the 2017 Halloween's announcement, with clear mention of the legendary being only available during that time, as well as the requirements to do it, without giving away the full guide of every step of the quest. Of course, it's much less work to just say "surprise released" on Discord and get on with it, with no informations whatsoever, at all. -[/hr] Speaking of lazy: the bosses. As they get reworked, bosses go from Lvl 120 with 100 EVs in each stats, to: they have 400 EVs in each stat, which ends up giving even more stats than pokémon lvl 120; they hold items but the "choice *" held items, while effectively increasing their stats, do not block them into one offensive move; [*] you cannot use any items during the battle; [*] they still have several legendaries per team, though i can't seem to find if any have Megas; [*] some of the Bosses' pokémon have more than 4 moves; [*] they apparently had a random lineup to make more efficient teams based on their poké's order inefficient, but apparently that change got reversed at least. With that, they still have a 60% chance to reward you useless berries, 25% chance to reward you some PP Ups, and 15% chance to reward you a fully randomly generated non-shiny pokémon. And that is when they reward you something aside from the mere privilege to keep going through quests, like in this particular event's case. Quests in which they're lazily thrown in to give those a wrong difficulty level. -[/hr] In short, the suggestion is quite simple in its form, but evidently complicated in its implications: start thinking. You're supposed to do the job out of passion ; be passionate. A game is supposed to entertain ; be entertaining. If you can't be bothered; don't. But don't throw unpolished stuff to be done with it and cut all questions/suggestions about the matter, because that's how you get this.
PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Kaminokage Friendliest: KasisKaz, Heiwajima, Ciecaring, Zekray, Latias, Latios, Liyaine, AstralMr, BlackNinjaJesus, Sieg, Rider, Epsy, Judgement, GlogS, Geno, Loksy, AshleyCurry, Dekarhan, ... just way too many to list them all. Hope y'all recognize yourselves if I forgot or omitted your name. Sorry anyway. Funniest: KasisKaz Coolest: KasisKaz Comeback Player of the Year: PreHax Most Talkative: KasisKaz Most Trustworthy: KasisKaz but quite a few others as well who will, again, hopefully recognize themselves. Most Helpful: Heiwajima Most Missed: - Most Influential: - Most Intriguing: Giorgio25 Most Experienced Player: - Best/Funniest Username: Flemme, competing with BlackNinjaJesus though. Most Professional Guide Maker: PreHax Most Professional Discord Moderator: Heiwajima -[/hr] STAFF CATEGORY Best Content Scripter?? No? Okay. Best Mapper: Skuid Best Artist: SirMeowington Best Community Coordinator: Shinohara Best Moderator: Qeight Best Trade Moderator: Salt...ySully? Just Salt? Best Game Master: Astraea Best Admin: Eaty Best Staff Username: Dusky, the Tusky Husky (replacing former DrowningPsyduck and his thousands nicknames.) Most Professional Staff: Qeight Most Dedicated Staff: Qeight Funniest Staff: Fluffles Friendliest Staff: Nearly half of them (Aeolus, Armin, Astraea, Dusky, Eaty, Fluffles, Logan, MutantSpider, Noxious, Qeight, Rise, Salt, Shinohara, Skuid, SyaoranLi, Waren, Xylos) Most Honorable Former Staff: Arkos Most Missed Former Staff: Shamac, Shary, though most honorable mentions to any other I've really known and worked with. (Angelknight, Artoriel, DrowningPsyduck, Druz, Koujaku, Leitah, Lucareus, Mapplle, Naero, Neroli, Saphirr, Spectify, Travok, Unknown007, Varda, Xaiyah.)
One doesn't need to reach ladder, one only needs enough wins to get enough coins. Reaching the ladder is just a way to get more at once, fastening the process, but it's not the only way. If they don't want to do 150 wins for one reroll ticket, they still have the other options at hand. They are supposed to be hard to get, it's a privilege after all, and having excellent Legendaries is not needed. As mentioned in TR3Y's answer above, and quoted below, other Pokémon can fulfill some roles as well as legendaries, if not better. Not only I didn't mention buying tickets to other players, but also, their price is only related to the players themselves. Again, Reroll tickets are supposed to be rare, it's only logical a rare resource is pricey. Yes, ingame quests are rare and, again, so are reroll tickets, and intended that way. There would be almost no point in being able to reroll if it was easy: might as well then make the legendaries impossible to fail sync in the first place, with excellent IVs regardless of your luck, that would be even easier. Legendaries are what they are: legendary. You can't farm them, you have one of each available and it's sort of unique. You can reroll them, getting a chance to be better, and it's already a huge thing per se, although random so, obviously, not always rewarding. Yes, you have the choice to get them from PvE Shops. You choose to use it to sync Pokémon, that's your choice. Choices are good. But you do have the option to buy them there, it's then up to each to make its own choice. Yes, tournament rewards constitute the hardest way to get reroll tickets, but it's still a way. :p -[/hr] Well, as I've stated right before that sentence you've quoted: Other accounts -and each and everyone is allowed to have up to four- can be seen as a different version, allowing you to make different choices, catch other legendaries, end quests in a different way (such as Vulcan's), etc. You'll have to do the story again, play enough to meet the hour requirements again, but so did you have to in the handhelds. I don't see how it would be "cooler" to make everyone -meeting the basic requirements, of course- able to catch all available legendaries, removing these choices from the game. You may envy people with a legendary you didn't choose, but so could they. And it's not a bad thing, in my opinion.
Hi there, I'm neither for nor really against it, although there are already 9 legendaries available to everyone if you count Phione in, 11 if you count the events exclusive ones that have been available in the past, being respectively: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Johto dogs, Lake Trio, Eon Duo, Genesect, Heatran, Phione, Darkrai, Regice. As far as I know, more are intended to be implemented eventually. I don't feel like it's needed to be able to catch them all, and I do like the idea of actually having a choice to make, instead of just mindlessly catching everything because you can. It also gives a reason to actually have another account: having access to different things. The handhelds themselves didn't give the option to catch all legendaries in a single version, one had to trade some from the other versions. Although, yes, I'm aware this didn't apply to the trios, as far as I recall. I however strongly disagree with this. There are already multiple ways to get Reroll tickets ingame. From the top of my head: Goldenrod's game corner, PvE Shops, PvP Shops, Ingame events rewards, Tournaments rewards. The point is not to get everyone's legendaries perfect, it's to give a chance to have some. It's not supposed to be prolific, it's intended to be somewhat rare. Have a nice day
Hey there, You're allowed to reply to other posts as long as it either provides the answer, or if you're in the same situation and can provide further informations about the issue for others to help better. Otherwise, it just drowns the informations in useless posts and makes it harder for people to reply accurately. Staffs (CCs, mostly, because they're the most knowledgeable regarding storyline overall and troubleshooting issues, but anyone can) are the main ones replying to these posts simply because players are playing the game or chilling on the Discord server, or just don't particularly have the will to help others, or simply don't know the answer thus don't try to but still follow a bit the forums. About minimodding, it would be like quoting rules to players infringing them, while threatening them of a punishment, stuff like that; players should only use the report function to bring staff's attention to such posts so they can remove them and deal with the user accordingly, while a player doing it just bring more chaos to the original thread, really :P On another note, I'm glad to see a new forums nerd (here used in a non-pejorative way) willing to help others! Anyways, hope I could help clearing some points out and I wish you a nice day
</SIZE> <3 [glow=green]MEMBER CATEGORY[/glow] <i></i> Smartest: Kaminokage Friendliest: PharaoMage Funniest: Arielgg Coolest: Iriztha Comeback Player of the Year: Macr7 Most Talkative: Ayukura Most Trustworthy: Nostazz Most Helpful (excluding staff members): Olafkun Most Missed (who parted from PRO this year but hasn't returned): Zenkyr Most Influential (good or bad, who made the biggest impact on the community this year): PreHax Most Intriguing (a player that manages to capture your attention for some weird/unique reason): yuno44907 [glow=red]STAFF CATEGORY[/glow] <i></i> Best GM: Mapplle Best CC: Shaui Best MOD: Letrix Best CS: Artoriel Best Artist: YuiFelwood Best Mapper: Druz Most Professional Staff: Noisia, or Letrix Most Friendly Staff: Lucareus Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac, with special mentions for Shaui and Letrix Most Honorable Former Staff: Pretentious I'd like to mention that you all are making a great work, but had to reduce down the choice for the sake of the event :< <SIZE size="125">Love you all <3 Hope you'll still love me, too :'<
No sync back then, one of the first Gastly I encountered in Johto during the story (at that Sprout Tower), I kept it due to its IVs, despite the fact that I didn't like using Gengar for the story :3 Nowadays, I use him to put wild Eevees to sleep XD
Re: [FR] ✧・゚〳Ɗisaster〵 ・゚✧⎪∙ Recrutements en cours ∙⎪ <r>Bienvenue ! \o/ <SIZE size="65"><s></s>+ bump :3<e></e></SIZE></r>
HTASA - How To Access Specific Areas -[/hr] Hello, everyone ! Seeing how many people ask how to go somewhere, what are the requirements, and all those that aren't sure about some of them, I figured it would help to centralize these informations into a single thread ! ~ You can open screenshots in new tabs for bigger images; as they are in spoiler balises, they're not enlargeable ~ If you feel like something should be added, or changed, please feel free to suggest so ! -[/hr] Index - Mount Silver - Love Island and Diamond Domain - Trainers Valley and Unknown Place - Sevii Islands - Amazon Forest and Desert Lagoon - Leev Town and Jura Cave - Cerulean Cave - Dragons Shrine - Valley of Steel - Pinkan Island - Seafloor Cavern - Moon, after Hoenn's main story - Nap Island - Eumi Island -[/hr] Mount Silver Mt. Silver is a large mountain in Johto, located west of Kanto's Victory Road and Indigo Plateau. It is the third best xp area, ex aequo with Dragons Den! Requirements: -[/hr] Love Island & Diamond Domain Love Island is a lovely unique place! You will find there special headbutt trees along with smashable rocks, and the Boss duo: Shary & Shaui! Requirements: -[/hr] Trainers Valley & Unknown Place You will find there some exclusive TMs, 6h CD only headbutt trees, and the only way to get other chances at catching legendaries: Nikola! Requirements: -[/hr] Sevii Islands These seven islands are located off the coasts of Kanto. They are host to an uncommon quest and Boss, and some exclusive Poké spawns! Requirements: -[/hr] Amazon Forest & Desert Laggoon Exotic areas in Johto that welcomes Bugsy and some exclusive spawns. Requirements: -[/hr] Leev Town & Jura Cave Other exotic areas, off of Hoenn, home of a prehistoric beast! Requirements: -[/hr] Cerulean Cave This cave, not only is the best xp area ex aequo with Dragons Shrine, but also Naero's and Mewtwo's hideout! Be prepared! Requirements: -[/hr] Dragons Shrine Dragons Shrine is a one-of-a-kind area, where Lance likes to withdraw. It is also a top notch xp spot! Requirements: -[/hr] Valley of Steel Located in Hoenn, Valley of Steel is a vast area with many things to do, such as daily quests to get unique rewards, or challenge Steven! Requirements: -[/hr] Pinkan Island Pinkan Island is the home to very singular Pokémons, which gave its name to the island! Officer Jenny will be available to battle on her free time! Requirements: -[/hr] Seafloor Cavern ♫ ♪ Under the sea ♪ ♫ This cavern is a maze, deep beneath the waters of Hoenn, in which the Aqua Team feels at home. Requirements: -[/hr] Moon, after Hoenn's main story Rocky area, home of a certain variety of Pokémons, including Jirachi itself! Requirements: -[/hr] Nap Island Bizarre things happen in this island.. all the residents are asleep! Requirements: -[/hr] Eumi Island The native home of the mythical sea guardian Manaphy. Beware of the Phantoms! Requirements: -[/hr] Thank you for reading, see you soon :D
Hey! I think he meant to avoid placing halves of buildings on the edges of the map, like you did on the upper and right edges ^^ About the signboards, we can see the shadow below it, even though it's placed on the shadowy side of the house already :p And the poles seem odd on a house wall, imo I like your maps overall, it's true that you often have quite long straight roads though, like your town park, it feels too "geometrically correct" to be authentic, in my opinion ^^ I'm no mapper though, not even half an artist xD It's just my fellow player's opinion Anyway, keep it up, and have fun, it's the most important :D
Hello there~ Actually, you could have bought Rock Smash at the Veilstone Dept Store, which is the city of the 3rd Gym :) For further help on that matter, I'd advise you to check the TM & Move Tutors thread :p Glad you could continue your story, and wish you good luck with what's left of it :)
Hey! Unfortunately, you won't have a capitalized G ingame either, just the first letter, so might as well keep it the way it currently is Believe me, I too wish it was possible. XD Welcome to PRO by the way :p
This is how random works. Sometimes, it favors you; sometimes it doesn't. The human tends to only notice the bad things, so it thinks only bad happens; but it's not the case Everyday, people complain about literally anything, deal with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't see the link between RNG and Banning legendaries in PVP though :p You too can catch these very same legendaries, how is that unfair? '-' The game isn't becoming anything; the community might be, but that's a whole other point. :D Just ignore them -or report them, with proper evidence, if they abuse. That wasn't a true friend, then, no big loss ;)
Hey, welcome! :D I don't know the show, but I'll try to read it with my best feminine voice for you xD Multitasking is good when you play PRO, 'cause when you're down to hunting a specific rare pokémon, you better be either patient or busy watching something aside :p Anywho, shared pleasure, and I hope you'll enjoy PRO as much as we do :3