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Everything posted by Ash5s

  1. sold to durptato in game , on bid at 3 mins left for 1 cc/370k
  2. 1hour 28 mins left
  3. Highest offer after 2 days wins, offers below 250k are not applicable
  4. Also this neutral for showcase 19÷ ivs
  5. Title one, looking for Offers. 150k or offer 150k or offer Offer
  6. I didnt knew, alright thanks
  7. My username changing req is pending from almost a week. If would it be possible to do smtg about it. That would be great. Thank you.
  8. Bump
  9. Sends lob to shop from silver! nD Bump.
  10. Bump
  11. Bump
  12. Can u come online rn? Msg me on discord if u do.
  13. Bump
  15. Contact :- Discord - Ayush#9827 Currency :- Pokedollars, Rare candy - 6.5k Max speed gibles: Tank gibles: Naive rough skin gibles: Naive gibles: Jolly ha gibles: Jolly gibles: gibles: ada/lonely/naughty
  16. Doing? Wtb lvl service...
  17. Wtb, u doing? If so , discord- Ayush#9827
  18. I would like to recover it..
  19. If Mounts we already have (which can do mega evolve) being able to do mega and back to normal is pretty cool too. I would like that. Maybe through a quest or so just like mega stones for pokemons will be given. Mega in pve shops ? Nah they r unique , should have a different way to obtain em then rest of our mounts. Imo
  20. Auction cancelled pls close
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