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About N0bita

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? n0bita 2. Number of hours played?1500h 3. What's your favorite Pokemon?togekiss 4. Do you use discord?yes 5. What country are you from? vietnam 6. How old are you?20 7. When's your Birthday? (Optional) 8-11-1999
  2. I've done the quest. Thank you so much
  3. Of course i talked to the TV before i find latios Could you help me reset Latios in granite cave 1f2 please
  4. Dear @Livana As the my friend @Goukazaru96VN mentioned, my problem is that I can't find latios. Could you help me reset The Latios in the granite cave 1f2 please. Thank you.
  5. end , no have one high offer , sorry
  6. n0bita gold. showdown name icy candy rank 22
  7. offer , end in one day . start . !
  8. offer no low all offer , thank
  9. Name change Usename: n0bita Change into: Failure Sever: gold
  10. 3h left sry i has no show picture <3
  11. c.o 220k ,
  12. sell , thank for all <3
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