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Everything posted by Mexicannoob

  1. It worked! Thanks so much staff! everything is fixed now and will now stop using external site to sell pokemons your work is very deeply appriciated have a blessed weekend Nathan
  2. Giving the weekly bump
  3. There is already some errors with the forums but i dont know if this is one of them... How to edit the title of your forum post? i see no button/option to do so while editing your forum post
  4. Giving the Weekly Bump
  5. Greetings i recommend u to read this https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/84572-url/?do=findComment&comment=489296 some useful information regarding buying and selling
  6. Giving the Weekly bump
  7. Tip to buy a PKM : No need to lower price ! If you want a PKM, it's because you need it for PVP or collection. It's hard to find goods PKM, don't lose time and opportunities because you are skinflint. Just calculate the time you will need to farm the PKM, and with the hourly wage you will know if the price is too much or not. For example: your hourly wage can be Cerulean Cave; there you can make 20k per hour without MS. If you see a PKM that will make farm 50 hours in average : 50* 20k = 1m. If the price is lower than 1m, buy it, if the price is higher, farm yourself. I totally agree with this part. Don't hesitate to report. And always take screenshot, this game is full of kids who think they are clever because they scam players. Last tip : Trade chat is for trash PKM, forum is for PVP PKM. Awesome tips man! will add thx for sharing Regarding the "Why lower the price?" Is a selling style i was talking about, a style to sell a Pokemon for a desired price by posting on trade chat and forums with its price tag in there and start off with the biggest price you wish to sell it for, and if desired, as time pass by lower the prices since that way you can potentially sell it faster while still have high chances to get the most out of a certain pokemon and ofcurse, you can refuse to lower a price on a Pokemon you are certain you will soon or later get a buyer for such price Constant Advertaising in trade chat and posting on forums = Potentially finding a Customer
  8. Good luck buddy! :)
  9. Giving the weekly bump
  10. Thx, i will add your tip/reminder to do Research since it can prevent a loss
  11. EDIT: this is a video that has help the amigos (former richest players in the whole game) to make many cash, it has some useful tips worth watching even if it got posted long ago The Amigos Discord server Join link https://discord.gg/WPgy9WJ ☆☆☆Tips by Kaminokage☆☆☆ 'First, i want to add : To price check PKM, it's easy. Just calculate for each PKM how many hours it takes in average to farm it. Find an hourly wage. And with your time and the hourly wage, you have your price. So, now you know how much you have to sell, and how much you can buy, easy game" ☆ "Don't farm PKM others players already farm if you want to resell. For example: For Xmas Event, don't farm Dratini ! Everybody farm it, just buy a Dratini on Trade if you want one, price will be very low. It will cost you less to buy it than farm it." ☆ "Tip to buy a PKM : No need to lower price ! If you want a PKM, it's because you need it for PVP or collection. It's hard to find goods PKM, don't lose time because you are skinflint. Just calculate the time you will need to farm the PKM, and with the hourly wage you will know if the price is too much or not. For example: your hourly wage can be Cerulean Cave; there you can make 20k per hour without MS. If you see a PKM that will make farm 50 hours in average : 50* 20k = 1m. If the price is lower than 1m, buy it, if the price is higher farm yourself" ---------------------------------- Thanks for reading, I Wish to improve this Guide/Tips and any more useful Ideas/Tips for anything releated to selling and buying, please comment them below your aid is very appriciated This guide has helped us a lot to the point that we have now reach over 200m+
  12. Yeah that will forsure help the servers out
  13. Greetings little buddies! :Smile: I call upon you to Unite on this simple request Report your Unused accounts to PRO! If you happen to make multiple accounts to attempt to get a Starter pokemon with Decent IVS like i did and therefor made multiple accounts Then report the ones you dont use to PRO on the "Report Center" Forums doing so, you will help by making the servers more stable by removing this unused junk that just takes up space ALSO If you made accounts on other Servers and you dont use, report them as well, for example Im using this account but I only play on Red Server, and i made account on Yellow and Blue, so its best to also report them as well so they too can be removed How to find them???? Simple go on "Compose a Message" and type in the username, and click add, if there is no such account, then it will let you know, but if there is 1, then it will be added so try hard to remember the username of the accounts you created and wont use, and Report them as by them being remove you will help having more stable servers Thx for reading! Hopefully you can aid with PRO efforts to remove unused Accounts
  14. Heracross sold already
  15. Amazing work thanks!
  16. Re: Shinines Swapping <t>Bumping</t>
  17. You should be thankful for all the hard work Staff have done and not complain about your Bad Connection Issues, and try to blame your lag/disconnections on the hard efforts and work Staff have done for the new Event Shameful
  18. i get that omynate
  19. Welcome to the forums little buddy!
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