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Everything posted by Mexicannoob

  1. ITS OVER! The GEN 6 OU Tour its all done now! In 1st Place is... Maui (1205 game play hours) of the Chaos Clan In 2nd Place is... Komata (1108 game play hours) of the Chaos Clan In 3rd Place is... Pakawaka (205 game play hours) of the Avalon Clan) Winners feedback about the Tournament (Maui Feedback) BIG THANKS to all the participants! we hope to see you all participate for our future tours
  2. Hey Silver and Gold Players! Come join this very useful public discord server This group is made to help you and others by giving Group price estimates that are only by your and our opinion, this Estimates should help you give an idea to the value of your shiny/ non shiny Poke and many more benefits Benefits ☆Active Group price checkings for PvP and Shiny Pokemons, and by Active... i mean it, is ACTIVE compared to the PRO Discord Price checking help ☆Major Sales and Minor sales channel that will help you get an idea of how much some pokemons are being sold for Players who provide Hunting Services ☆Players who provide Daycare and other services ☆A good place to help train on Price Checking, PvP, and Game skills ☆Various Tournaments! with prizes! ☆Discord games with prizes! ☆Useful tips ☆a place to have fun and socialize ☆And More Feel free to read the useful Selling/Buying and price checking tips on this forum link below https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/84572-url/?do=findComment&comment=489296 Discord Link Below https://discord.gg/WPgy9WJ
  3. bumping:SquirtleSquad:
  4. giving the weekly bump
  5. giving the weekly bump
  6. replied see ya soon
  7. ign >strategist Server> the pretty red when to be on? > im on on different times, im usually very active, if im not online, Komata can also log on my acc and do the trade =) tanglena and magikarp lvl100s porfavor
  8. Giving the weekly bump
  9. Giving the Weekly Bump
  10. i got a tanglena, and a magikarp i seek to have evolved
  11. Good Luck mate
  12. bumping Requesting more useful tips
  13. Bumping for my Lovely gummy
  14. Giving the weekly bump
  15. I totally agree, why the HECK people select a "Start" price, and then think they can cancel? you are Choicing the START price, that means thats the minimum u want for it It should be illegal to cancel this if you wish to cancel later on, Just simply ask for B.O with out a start, and with out ANY kind of timmer for this auction there is also a huge weakness in pro, because i seen players making auctions with Fake best offers and then since no unsuspected player offer more, they then cancel or say it got sold. later on u see that pokemon again, and when question, they make up ANY excuse possible! This is a huge weakness in PRO
  16. Giving the weekly bump
  17. Thanks so much for everything you done to PRO
  18. Giving the weekly bump
  19. Mexicannoob


    Hmmm... when i Type the "Spoiler" commands it add multiple Spoilers as seen right there it should be 1 for each category in here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/73855-url/ BUT! I want to say its not a problem at all and it dont bugs me its fine if it wont be fixed, but is possible, it could use some fixing
  20. Updated thx staff for fixing the forums
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