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Everything posted by Mexicannoob

  1. The Amigos are hosting some fun Tournaments and Events check out #bomb-event to participate on the Bomb Event with 1 million cash Prize! click the channel for more information in PRO discord server - We are also Hosting a "Weak Pokemons Themed" Showdown Tournament Prize pool of 800k Please visit the Amigos Discord for more information which is posted at #annoucements and click on #Showdown_Tour_Sign_Ups to sign up for this fun tournament - Want to play some Pokemon trivia? well at the amigos server they will host a trivia game with 400k cash prize on Nov.25th - The Amigos are also having a 750k cash prize pool on a Pokemon Showdown Gym Leaders Event All prizes Are for Gold and Silver Players! Amigos Discord Server Invite Link below: https://discord.gg/WPgy9WJ Come on over to have some fun and a chance to win nice prizes! Sincerly -Strategist
  2. Can't say goodbye. I will cya soon buddy! have an awesome break
  3. Thanks @Eaty for adding this suggestion! it can now be locked
  4. A real life story.... I was 14 years old when this happen, On one Night, I sleep alone on my room, I had a Horrible nightmare... that nightmare felt so real... so very real, I was dreaming that I was alone on the woods There was a black dark river, and i had to swim in it to get to the other side, while swimming, I felt a Hand... a hand that grabbed my leg and pulled me inside ... I was being pulled inside the rivier, I did not saw who pulled me, i just felt that human hand... it felt soo real.. i was being pulled inside and all I could see was me being sunk into the rivier as i was looking up. I woke up....when i woke up, I notice something odd, I woken up with my whole body facing up which I had never woken up this way, I always woke up with my body facing to left or right side it was very odd to me, as I never woke up in that position before... ... I remember it so well... it was night.... I still was very scared from the nightmare i just woken up to... but then about 10 seconds later... i Notice a Dark Shadow figure.... Looking at me.... Exactly as it shown in this picture above but I don't remember seeing it's eys or other parts of it's face. It was looking down at me... and I will never forget the feeling I felt... i felt an Extreme Scareness ... l was in shock... i never been so scared in my life before... It looked at me... I could not move at all! I tried to move my body but I could not do anything! It just standed there looking at me... I could not I could not talked but all I was doing was praying in my mind, my eyes was Wide open looking at that shadow figure man.... and then.. It just turned around ... and i saw it walking into the closed window on my room... it walked towards it... and slowly disappeared... I... could not even cry.. i was in a very deep fear... All i did was praying to God.. and keep praying for help... it lasted about 10 minutes in my room... where i was still very scared and praying in my mind... I tried to move my arm and legs... and slowly could move again... It prayed one more time... And I run for it as If was being Chased... i run for it to the door towards my Moms room, I was scared if that thing would appear again and it would have stopped... I Open my moms room and slammed it... i Turned on the lights.. and jist hugged my mom.. i was shaking she was like what the heck is going on.. I told her i saw a Demon, and Explained her what had happen. For 1 full month, i Sleep with my brothers on their room, mine was left alone, until i finally sleept there again, everything was ok, i never had this experiance ever again Last year i Research Online what had happen to me... and to my surprised, is not a Paranormal activity, what had happen to me has a Scientific Explanation, and is called Sleep Paralysis and it can happen to anyone... at any time... even to YOU , some people suffered it more than once.... Now how does this story relates to Pokemon? When this Phenomenom happen. The next Day I was in my house playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team on my Gameboy. And I was on the part of the game when the Antagonist Gengar Uses Sleep Eater and gives you nightmares to your Character as you are asleep. As I was playing this part of the story, it scared me a bit because it remind me of the accident and at the time I did not knew it was a Sleep Paralysis but instead I thought it was a demon who attacked me, and for me to turn on my gameboy and play the game at the part where this Gengar's nightmare attack on your Character made me scared again and turned of my gameboy and stop playing the game for quite a while since I was still very scared of what had happen last night. What a scary coincidence You can view the scene of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon's Gengar dream eater part so you can understand why it kinda freak me out that I was playing this when just last night the "Demon" attacked me IGN: Strategist Discord Tag: Strategist#8849 Server: Silver
  5. The Amigos are hosting an OU and Anything Goes Dual Showdown Tournaments for players of Silver and Gold servers The Tournament is about OU and Anything Goes Gen 7 formats. you will play on both tours automatically but can choice to forfeit any of them that you don't want to even try it The same opponent of OU will also be the same opponent on Anything Goes (just at round 1) ☆As always in our tours, anything not legal/coded in PRO is allowed ☆You can choice to have Best of 1 or Best of 3 with your opponent ☆5 days time limit on each match to allow plenty of time to battle for players with busy lifes, but its possible we will have 7 days time limit for the 1st round. ☆The Tournament starts at October 29nd , please try to sign up as soon as possible on our Discord channel named #Tournament_Sign_Ups ☆Join Link ---> https://discord.gg/ZXpMJFf ☆☆☆Prize Pool☆☆☆ $15 for 1st place and $5 for 2nd place payable via PayPal or In-PRO Coin Capsules for does who plays PRO on silver server If no PayPal , then we can buy you something on Ebay, etc and have it shipped at your Home Adress (this prize pool is only available if the number of participants reach 50 or more, if 49 or less we will have only $12.50 for 1st place and $2.50 for 2nd place) ☆Who will win 1st and who will win 2nd? well who ever Reach 1st place on the OU brackets and 1st place on the Anything Goes brackets will battle each others, and who ever wins will win 1st place prize, the loser takes 2nd place prize. both will be in our Hall of fame for being 1st place on the brackets. If the same player reach 1st place on both tours, then 2nd place of OU and Anything Goes will fight, who ever wins will be the one who battles for the chance to win 1st or 2nd place reward. We hope to see you there on this time friendly showdown tournament! any questions? PM me and feel free to battle our Pokemon Showdown Gym leaders! Brock, Misty, Surge, etc! come have fun DISCORD INVITE LINK. ------ > https://discord.gg/ZXpMJFf
  6. I hope to see you playing again Amigo :)
  7. if the Gym leader wants to use it, it can but its more likely they will select the other pokemons brock owned/used in the Anime and the Pokemon video games except Pokemon Stadium
  8. howdy guys :) The Amigos are hosting a Pokemon Showdown GYMs Event Fight all the Kanto GYMs with Level 80 Pokemons of your choice while their Gym Leaders use Level 100 Pokemons. The catch is that Gym Leaders must only use Pokemon that are used/owned in the Pokemon Anime & in the Pokemon Video Games! They also are not allowed to use any Z moves or items at all! ☆It's not as hard as it looks and its for sure a fun experiance. There is also prizes for the first 3 participants who had defeated all 8 Kanto Gym leaders first! The prizes are... first place --> 2 CC and 1 Small MS second place --> 1 CC third place --> 1 Small Ms first Gym leader that defeats 10 challangers --> 1 CC They are also needing volunteers who would like to become a Gym Leader! if you are interested or would like more information, visit the amigos discord server this event Starts on October 21st Invite link below https://discord.gg/ZXpMJFf
  9. Umbreon or defensive Sylveon depending on your teams needs
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