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Everything posted by Zonamarelarap

  1. yeah you dont mind because you used pokemon of staff in ranked (daenerys volcarona -.-) and this is forbiden -.-' [bbvideo=560,315]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C0jsJjECDQ[/bbvideo] Sincerely your account must be reset!!
  2. ban all staff pokemons from pvp ranked!!
  3. 0(excluding tournament winners) 0 legendaries excluding tournament winners in top 25 ranked of but mr Deidara7 (player account) aka Kagawa (staff account) are in top 25 from red server with shiny talonflame good nature and almost full 31!!
  4. you forget of ban contrary :V kiddind xD but the true is ban all stalls!!
  5. if gothitelle is banned from pvp i agree ban certain combinations exemple of blissey + regenator but mainly forbid using stalls/walls (type no more than 3 stalls/walls) because majority of pvp players is full stall and this i super boring boring boring!! Beacuse of reign of stall/walls i dont agree with ban of gothitelle which is one counter for stalls/walls!!! Because of abuse of stall/walls many users and we dont see evolution basic in game [pvp itens, breed (yeah breed is making the ame more hard beacuse ins't easy breeding a good pokemon with certains eggs moves), fly ot of battle, moves are working fine and from nothing are bugged exemple of drain punch, etc] beause of that things many users left the game!! :/
  6. Congratulations for the post, it took courage to do it and i agree with you :) Signed By: Zonamarelarap
  7. Nickname: Zonamarelrap Country: Portugal Reason: Well because nobody spend more times play pro and because my last stuff of nitendo was a game boy color with pokemon blue version and super mario land (unfortunately he already died, the game boy no more turn on) and i dont have possibilities to buy one nitendo switch Proof:
  8. if you use taunt with infernape maybe the gothitelle wasn't buffed with calm mind or restored hp with rest ;) so we should run taunt on every special poke to counter goth? sounds legit to me ... lol he used spatk in a spatk wall (obvilous gothitelle gonna tankeed the atk), well taunt is good to many thing's...taunt dragon dance, taunt sowrds dances, taunt leech seed, taunt stealth rock, taunt calm mind, taunt nasty plost....as you see yes you can lose a pokemon but how did you see taunt is good against for many other pokemons and not only against gothitelle ;) and yes taunt against walls/stalls is legit ;)
  9. Gothitelle trapped and setup on my Infernape after i used Overheat. Last time i checked, Overheat Infernape wasn't a wall. if you use taunt with infernape maybe the gothitelle wasn't buffed with calm mind or restored hp with rest ;)
  10. Stop using walls/stall and dont cry :p Already the voting post of the ban shadow tag is a joke because to ban shadow tag they need ban blissey, gale wings (talonflame), regenator (alomomola, slowbro, trangrowth) and how will not happen the ban of what i mentioned, i'll say again the vote to ban shadow tag is a joke!!
  11. Re: Mantyke & Tyrogue Evolutions <t>and burmy too i have two burmys (one male other female) a long time to evoloving in box :/</t>
  12. Mirror coat, while not used on every pvp set, has for sure been used against me. Its extremely easy to buy it and replace it with something then replace it for another move if you dont want to keep it. Using 3 focus sashes (over the course of 3 battles) is an extremely easy item to get, via pvp coins or by getting them as the common reward from Koichi. And you get 5 from Koichi. 3 focus sash to win a couple of berrys gg and i dont fight with koichi (he dont give "good" reward in level of pokemons)
  13. Hoenheim gg 3 focus sash to win a couple of berrys ;) waste of itens ;)
  14. i dont use that pokes you mencioned ;) gyarados (I've never had one on pro and i dont want one), gengar i dont use since e4 kanto, talonflame i have but dont use ;) "[glow=red]4. It's been changed for roughly 48 hours. As Shamac said in one of the posts complaining that it should be changed back, there are already tricks and ways that people are using to beat him down. Want a free tip? Milotic + Focus Sash + mirror coat. Bye Palkia.[/glow] " feebas is very rare and not everyone have one...focus sash? waste of item to win berrys...mirror coat? mirror coat ins't from movest that is used in pvp... So you've seen i don't go into fashions or copies of others ;) or for those who do not follow fashions the difficulty was already perfect :* PS. RIP your huntail Rip shell smah that he can never learn more because only learn shell smash in clamperl xD
  15. "easy" how many itens you spend? ;) The waste of items is not worth the rewards that almost certainly comes bad
  16. maybe maybe but fair is something that isnt and i belive with the new team and requiremets many users dont go fight anymore with him to win a trash which serves only dex (probably the reward going to come wrong nature and iv's bad and i say this beacuse i never win a boss reward usable)
  17. using strategies of others isn't to me ;)~;)
  18. Hello zonamarelarap, I am sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced. Unfortunatly, unless the team breaks the power restrictions our policies have the Person that received a boss in his name as reward is able to change the team as it wants, as its his reward and permanent image ingame. Also, bosses are meant to be challenging, and not 100% victories sprees over them, I understand the dificulty and that you just want to be able to beat the boss, but winning will show that you know how to play and will give an extra satisfaction over beating the boss. I would also like to remind that, in this case, this boss has 3 diferent rewards that are only avaiable from him at the time being (Hawlucha, Zorua and Croagunk), which should only be possible after some hard fought battle, to which is the current state. Previously the boss was hard, but it had a bunch of cheap tricks in order to beat him and it was granted an upgrade. thns for your aswer but to make this was worth removing that bos ingmae because is a bad "upgrade" and yes hawlucha, zorua and criagunk only avaiable in boss greinjack reward but dont forget 99% of them (hawlucha, zorua and criagunk) probably come bad and only useful to the dex if they have my luck...
  19. the boss greinjack it was difficult but now is impossible win to boss greinjack lol why change the team of him I´if it was already difficult? why the new pre-requisite? (2 pokes dark type, 2 pokes water type and 2 pokes fight type) Dont forget many and many players dont make pvp and others many players dont have epic pokemons... that team is already hard now the new team is impossible lol imposible team... Palkia, Yveltal, Conkeldurr, Kingdra, Hydreigon e Mega Lucario... Sorry to say this, but this change was ridiculous and by doing these things only make the game worse!!
  20. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 06/03/2017] <r><QUOTE author="oldtomato"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> two lengendary pokemons ?? <E>:Shocked:</E> do you have any screenshot ?<e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/.eJwNyksOgjAQANC7dOGOdmb6mSkJMcaDEIpUNKQQqW6Md5e3fl_1fi2qVXOt294as49rqVOpOi-PnRrUuQw6p_FWdJmq-ZiKGppokK0jIewRLWK0nhiABWNPLALOkQcEjijAoS_6ud3P69wlz-n4ObkQraD1VoLNBDQEn459WqfOx3CFi7D6_QElDirz.2y3N2QAQTx0__F7WQGH4uPcGAOE?width=267&height=475"><s></e></IMG><br/> <IMG src="https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/.eJwFwUEOwiAQAMC_cPBWYNmFhSaNF31HA5RaTUObFr0Y_-7MV7yPVfRiaW0_e6XOvNVWapPz-jxNB3KuUc4pT1XW0tRHNZC6CwoYdWDnRgAECEiOtWZv7MjWGh-cBTJE4NB7HKt87Y_rtgyGM5KOngPnaOMUS0o6-UJkoubJXLYy2MB4J3sTvz9NgixO.618gKsO7laj3ji4zng6qacJQrP8?width=267&height=475"><s></e></IMG><br/> and have a new pre-requisite (2 pokes water, 2 fight pokes and 2 dark pokes in team) lol</r>
  21. i dont know if i forgout someone (probably i forgot it) but here go one little list of pokemons only to ms (wild): tynamo - safari exclusive noibat is free user - Higth tide entrance room axew - ms from granite cave b1f and free user at dragons shrine skrelp - route 117 gothita - route 37 Timbur - granite cave 1f litleo - hoenn safari zone 4 flabebe - water path (i dont rember in what sevii island is :p) tirtouga - jura cave (leev town) hippopotas - desert lagoon shellos - route 26 and route 113 vullaby - leev town alomomola - route 124, route130, route 134 glameow - bronde bridge (i dont rember in what sevii island is :p) deino - meteor falls b1f 1r, meteor falls 1f 2r magby - mt ember summit path 2f (sevii Island 1) skiddo - five island meadow (sevii Island 5) roggenrola - fiery path drilbur - victory road kanto 2f tympole - route 107, safari johto wet zone sawk - route 112 cottone - petalburg woods sandile - route 111 desert, dark cave south trubbish - route 110 ferroseed - valley of steel eastern peak litwick - pokemon tower underground cubchoo - seafoam b4f, safari johto snow zone, low tide entrance room, high tide entrace room druddrigon - meteors falls 1f 1r yamask - jura cave (leev town) durant - national park dedenne - route 10 pachirisu - power plant clauncher - route 106, route 109 combee - leev town burmy - route 38 klefki - valley of steel western peak
  22. i agree with your theory because the same thing already happened to me fortunately always against wilds pokes xD
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