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Everything posted by Zonamarelarap

  1. well when i make the post from talonflame is more to give some pression to create tiers (game need tiers not funny anyting goes) and to update the abilities of pokemons and movesets :p
  2. Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist dont have ability scrappy and at PRO have scrappy ability...the true ability is frisk... https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pumpkaboo_(Pokémon) https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Gourgeist_(Pokémon) :thanks:
  3. Rule number 6 from grame "6. Abusing glitches, and not reporting them as soon as possible will result in suspension. You may want to use the report center for it." for me the habilitie from talonflame are outdated/gliched (dont work as it should) Gale Wings - Gives priority to Flying-type moves when the Pokémon's (talonflame) HP is full!!
  4. well future always from front....and fletch/talon is from gen 6...and if is from gen 6 we dont are at gen 5....
  5. '-' very very good eye :o and post much pretty elaborate. I hope they repair the colors. Good Luck :Cool:
  6. i dont even have a talonflame and i dont want it banned. i want ban for talonflame or gale wings updated how it should be!! It's been a few months since Gen 7 left!! PRO need "update" or will be left behind by others mmo's online ...
  7. Now who defends the not ban from talonflame it's because they use it and abuse it e=e and whos use stall and the pokes i mencioned are disgusting!!!
  8. we dont are at gen 7? of course we are at gen 7!! pro is outdated and if it continues this way (outdated and unfair) it can be overcome by new mmo and pvp pro is super boring and all copy from others tangela, slowbro, blissey, tyranitar, goodra, scizor, bisharp, talonflame, arcanine, clefable, tentacruel, starmie, donphan and other stupid tanks... isn't funny have all tahts pokes at one team! nobody have imagination to create a "decent" team all stall stall stall stall...all copy of others....or users from weaters teams..all copy from others!!
  9. Well this request is simple ban talonflame from ranked because now at gen 7 Gale Wings lost priority at fly moves if are not full hp and at pro Gale Wings are outdated And being outdated it gets too much OP... !! And moreover now there is life orb in the game and gale wings are outdated is more and more OP... Info by bulbapédia: "Generation VII Gale Wings now works only if the user has full HP. " https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Gale_Wings_(Ability) :thanks:
  10. unfortunately chat "barsil" is a private chat and staff can not do anything :/ Maybe in a future update the staff blocked these commands for the players :/ well i hope staff blocks some chat commands to normal players or that they simply change to others so that no one knows what they are :D
  11. gooo xD Nice :D
  12. 1st - What country are you from? Portugal 2nd - What server are you? RED 3rd - Why did they choose this server? Because when i started play red it was the UNIQUE server :) 4th - Are you happy on this server? Yes, i'm satisfied in general but very upset with abuse of price trades :/ 5th - What is your favorite Pokémon in the game (PRO) and in the all franchise? SCRAFTY but is was removed from game (no more catchable) :'( and in the all franchine is scafty the same :D 6th - And which Pokémon would you most like to own? SCRAFTY but unfortunately it was removed from game..whos have, have..whos dont have, dont have... :( 7th - What's your favorite shiny version in the Pokémon franchise? Gliscor, blue gliscor is beautifull :D 8th - And, finally, what does Pokémon mean to you? For me means a very well-lived childhood :D
  13. +1 good idea
  14. IGN: Zonamarelarap PS: 1. who want youtube channel from An1ma link is here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCse1Qm55_0E6mQh9r3j5r_w 2. you can see my subscrition on yur list of subscritions because my subscritions are privates but i have screenshoot :p
  15. xmas pokemons rate are ridiculous... is 800% more than a shiny pokemon but i found 2 pokemon shiny and dont found any xmas pokes...ridiculous
  16. Red server is the original server!! make red server default server again!! :thanks:
  17. Does not make sense create a "official" chat to ALL COUNTRYS of WORLD!! Now imagine the number of countries that exist in the world....make a "oficial" to all countries Would overload the server.. Brasil chat is a private chat ,-, if you want a public channel to portuguese language permanent, already have chat portuguese, portuguese notfrom portugal but from language!! portuguese is the language oficial from portugal, brasil, cabo verde, guine-bissau, são tomé e principe, angola, moçambique, timor-leste... for me topic is solved with my answer! Any staff locked the unnecessary post!! :thanks:
  18. tanks so munch now i already can buy :D i gonna buy all sets :D :Heart:
  19. i cant buy winter cloths from shop gg add eevee at event map (unic decent pokemon from event map) few minutos at free user...server "crash" gg eevee ms...bad event... snover is all day now is ony at night... gg rip event
  20. Rip snover at flake wood is all day now is only at night add eevee at event map only few minutes at free user rip and server "crash" to make eevee ms (not fair) map and general pokes is all the same from last year rip event
  21. Would be a little unfair to at least one of us. :Ambivalent: lol
  22. update i rebooted my computer and rebooted my router and the problem persist
  23. Just reccomect or maybe it os because you have weak connection i already reloged, already close and open game... and my internet is fine...Is 100megas of speed, download ilimited and is still by fiber
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